brief synopsis of homilies (sermons) I've heard at various churches (june 2013 to Jan 2015)
as i attend numerous
churches I hear many homilies, sermons, messages, and try to jot down a word,
phrase, paragraph, etc as I listen...so that there's a memorable "takeaway" ...rather
than have it go in one ear and out the other. It also helps me make sure the
pastor/priest et al is being
"honest" and not tryin to "slip one past" us. Sometimes
"they" do get a bit lazy at times, and at least I can comment on it
later on this blog
Monday, March 16, 2015
*I waved 2 AfroMan@ St Tim as we Arrived at the same time
*spa,IamNowConvincedThatSPAisaHumanistChurch,*&FrJoeScottHumanist,feel a lot of dissonance in his presence,never very edified by the evening mass
*cryCat8a,toCombine,seeBeyondOurOwnExpectations,LightShines,1stAnnoucementofJesusToday,Repent,StartMission,1stThingSaidRepent,comesAsInvitationOpportunityLifeInUs,Come4Me,look4Me,be w/us,JesusAmongUs,BeautyOfGodActingPowerfulWay,thatPowerSoIntense,
*staMonica1p,itsTheSingingPriestfrJustinMartyr(orIsHeFromLawMart?),heJokesThatPeopleThinksHeLooksLikeKimJongUn,heMentionsMsgrPaul@formerParish;`urNotOnlyWelcomedbutWanted,I didntLiketheMandatoryHandHolding,leftEarly
*bh,frTomXmasDay,if we wqant 2 see Jeus,we don't look. Up but down,in bthe aisle,the mentally ill,edowntrodden,to show our love to them,if we recognize Jesus is coming from below,how would that transform our lives?new perspective,new thinking&acting,ifGenuinely tookonGodsperspective,peace United w crucifizion,ressurection,like2leaveWU,if goforthFrom here,reality ofOurSituation fromBelow,ratherthanGodlookingDownonUs,GodAmongUs,wUs
*foundersLA,drChangSaid"Omg"?!in the pulpit,
*Frank@Basil:his1stParish,Sanpedro?TerminalIslandPrison?olderwomansaidUrMakingaStatement2TheseInmatesTheyr Not4gotten,uCare,effort2come2them,letLoveofGodShineThrueachofus
Try2runaway,inconvenientTruthsNot Profitable,1stLectorWhoPronouncedCorrectl,aPaganPriestProphethiredbuKingofMoabites,
IthinkIsraelites were,soon2bconqueredterritry,theyHiredhim2curseButeverytimeheopenedMouthOutCameaBlessing,GodwantsOurHearts,SoftendbyLove,exteriorNotHardened,HewantsOurHearts,ifHardenedCantComein
*I waved 2 AfroMan@ St Tim as we Arrived at the same time
*spa,IamNowConvincedThatSPAisaHumanistChurch,*&FrJoeScottHumanist,feel a lot of dissonance in his presence,never very edified by the evening mass
*cryCat8a,toCombine,seeBeyondOurOwnExpectations,LightShines,1stAnnoucementofJesusToday,Repent,StartMission,1stThingSaidRepent,comesAsInvitationOpportunityLifeInUs,Come4Me,look4Me,be w/us,JesusAmongUs,BeautyOfGodActingPowerfulWay,thatPowerSoIntense,
*staMonica1p,itsTheSingingPriestfrJustinMartyr(orIsHeFromLawMart?),heJokesThatPeopleThinksHeLooksLikeKimJongUn,heMentionsMsgrPaul@formerParish;`urNotOnlyWelcomedbutWanted,I didntLiketheMandatoryHandHolding,leftEarly
*bh,frTomXmasDay,if we wqant 2 see Jeus,we don't look. Up but down,in bthe aisle,the mentally ill,edowntrodden,to show our love to them,if we recognize Jesus is coming from below,how would that transform our lives?new perspective,new thinking&acting,ifGenuinely tookonGodsperspective,peace United w crucifizion,ressurection,like2leaveWU,if goforthFrom here,reality ofOurSituation fromBelow,ratherthanGodlookingDownonUs,GodAmongUs,wUs
*foundersLA,drChangSaid"Omg"?!in the pulpit,
*Frank@Basil:his1stParish,Sanpedro?TerminalIslandPrison?olderwomansaidUrMakingaStatement2TheseInmatesTheyr Not4gotten,uCare,effort2come2them,letLoveofGodShineThrueachofus
Try2runaway,inconvenientTruthsNot Profitable,1stLectorWhoPronouncedCorrectl,aPaganPriestProphethiredbuKingofMoabites,
IthinkIsraelites were,soon2bconqueredterritry,theyHiredhim2curseButeverytimeheopenedMouthOutCameaBlessing,GodwantsOurHearts,SoftendbyLove,exteriorNotHardened,HewantsOurHearts,ifHardenedCantComein
*jbap:(bushmaker),zaccheus Was not simple-hearted,heHad aParticInterestintheLord,wasConvertedonTheSpot,somethingSignificantReZaccheus,heWasJewofAbraham,butThisAloneWasNotwhatMadeHimSpecialToJesus;itWasDisposition,AttitudeOfAcceptance;ZaccheusWouldPutIntoPracticeWhateverGod,weShouldAllBeSpiritualDescendentsOfAbraham,NOT,HOLD,BACK
*BAP: TinaSaidHelloToFrank@BelAirPresb
11/6/14 StAmbrose,Cblog2
*ReLike14gke,lgyne,Gke,kftbeVksle,€beGospelofthegospel,thatsthekingdomofGod,becomesfriendofsinners,lostheep,lostcoin,kistson,kingdomofgodinNutshell,referstoUs,heretheytalkabtLostCoinSheep,differenceVtwLostvWandering,anyLovershp,wanderingIsNotTotalLoss,LostisGone,neverComingback,suffering,whendeadThereisResoluition,re AdrianPeterson,whoOwnstheKid?
*redBeard,dom(dayAfterGiantsWin):continues Perseverance&strivehomily,narrowgate,asfoe,spiritualforcresofEvil,sayprayer2sainteveryday,respiritualBattles
*CityChurchMeeting@7thDayAdv&Broderick&California11am,FredHarrelSermon,WorshipLeaderLydiaSuh;normallytheyMeet@russianCenter (whenaDivaSitsInthePew)
*stPaschalBaylon1000Oaks: dontForgetWeRServants;celebratePopeJP2,despiteTiredHePersistedAsPope;
*thisGospelPassageMostSublimeOfHeaven,claudeWilliams fromNewOrleans,homilyre Ursula,sod;weGetSomeGoodnessByAssociation
*mariners5p(sat):2BigGuysSaidHi@GreetMoment;pastorJohnThomasGreeted,thenKentonBeshore(heMustUseaTanningBooth)////…×u guys r fun&attractive,Is he a bit narcissist?OrSuperficial re aesthetics (remember the "dude thatis not attractive";thenKyleZimmerComesOn4Sermon
*stPeterChanel:JesusSentDisciplestothePlacesHeIntended2Visit,faith is the encounterwJesus,allThingsfollow:evanglsmIsNotJustTeaachingDoctrinesButCreatingConditionsSoThatWhenJArived;JesusBeganwMercy
*stBasil 5p,NewPriest,FrJames,5Years,rambledThruHomily,manw100IslandsShirt,notMuchPersonalEmotionAttached2it
*johnMacarthur:parables2Obscure,hidTruthsoHecouldPronounceJudgment,Mk12.,judgmentParable,speaking@Temple,WednesdayofPassionWeek,fridayHewillDie,afterMoneyChangerTirade,momentofReality,indictedThemselves,theParableQuotesIsaiah5:well-known2People,plantedVineyard;Israel&JudahistheVineyard;producedBadGrapes;its a setup 4massacrebyBabylonians,ManDidAllThings2GrowVineyard,thenLongJourney;sentSlave2VineGrowers(normal),v3slaveBeaten&sentAway(shock);v4,anotherSlave&another;NoMoreSlaves,soAllheHas2sendisHisSon(belovedSon);killedTheBelovedSon;thenTheyRealizeItsAboutThem;GodPlantedVineyard(israel)ps80,Jer2,growersRreligLeaders;Heb11,righteousPreachersSewnInHalf:Jer 7.23..theyDidNotObeyjJer25.4"lordsentHisServantProphetsAgain&Again..TurnFromEvil...";Matt23,aFewHoursAfterthisParable:woe,woe,woe...;Mk12,myBelovedSon,onlyOneMore2Send,..ifWeDontKillHim,heWillTakeOver,TempleNeverRebuilt,noMorePriests2000YearsLater;12apostlesBecomeNewStewards,StoneRejectedbcCornerstone
*methodistPomona,revEricSchmidt,re"passionateWorship"whatwereceivefrGodisnotthepurposeofworship,worshipShouldReflectGoodNews,lady said"nice2cu"duringsermon,beganmessagewSmotherBrothersjoke re"ImworriedaboutApathy"shouldneverLeaveWorshipthinking"sowhat"
9/25 mikePilavachi@Mariners,7p,founderSoulSurvivor,
"40 years in flippin desert"LESSONoftheDESERT:
1)humility2)praise ;canubelievetheycomplainedaboutnothavingGarlic
Itmotivatesustoachieve"just&equitabledistribution"<butalsotonotfret rematerialthings,(godfrey?)
*jbap,6a(a{afam):our Fallible consciences,mustnotfollow
*jbap6a,re godsees all,charactertestedbywhatwewoulddoifweknewwewouldntbecaught
When pastor/priests overly-dominate the worship service,using microphone during generalPraiseTimes,
8thGradeChoir "my1stmasswAlltheKids"...announces couples55th anniv,howManylikeMoney? I stepped on doo-doo this morn.what ifi sneeze onit?(excessive);hotweatherThankGod4AirCon..Jesus shinesonus,look@ sky.
*holyName,SanDimas:,r we really intrstd in following the way? Or our way? lady to priest: I'm going to hell,.what love lived out looks like
*jbap,asian:re crosses on Football helmets;also mt soledad: whatabt us? Do we reject the cross?needabigger. Cross togetoverDitch,sunday-size sermon
*mariners,5p,zimmerman intro,kentonBeshore back frsri lanka;he also went to texas,he has 4 sons,"I'm funny in every language";(he never mentions his dad,doc);walk,w,the,wise,bc,wise;walk,w,fools,trouble;u,don't,grow,in,rows;u,grow,in,circles;long story re. David bathsheba;mm:"closeYourHead,BowYourEyes" ; STRANGE COMMENT by beshore that "nobody comes to church on theirown..."seemed to have no sense of going to church as duty/obligation
*ladyofassumption,claremont:re911,19peopleinvolved,Jesus says love enemies,,that's. Noteasy,people say father,personirritatesme,iprayforthem,supposedto,ddddd,wedontgiveupPrayingforEneies,transformed,undrstandFodsways,neverForger,gratefulWecanWorshipFreely
Fr eugene,incarn: interprets scriptur, but doesn't apply it to our lives,.re paul to those having disputes,don't go to court
*zimmerman @ mariners:
fear of the lord is about respect,awe,wonder
*why r Pharisees so Intrstd in what J is doing?
Asking kids,need to know what is it they're going after...external observance alone (aha! Some catholics may b guilty)...more time spend on FB,more depressed...u. can lie to people.that's external..J says I get wht r saying but not where ur going..heart most imp
(jbap,8a,midwest priest)
*jbap 5p,afam priest
*bishop vann:seaof galilee ,...midst of,Jesus. spoke to peter,"do not b afraid"; put out the net one more time. I can't. Yes u can.(christ cat,he was afew minutes tardy; the watcher had to go get him)630a
*armenian guy (always in suit) @ incarn always swaggers in a few minutes after mass begins & now he seems to be closing up quickly at end of mass,all business...there's no humanity in him; doesn't seem to fit @ incarn,he's a robot...
*divine savior by dodger,what is evil? Absence of good *(indian priest preaching,old priest present not preaching)...lots of indian priests,sometms difficult to understand
*olqa (nice priest,y red garment today?); why did herod fear john..people w tremendous muscle but lack neural integrity collapse.jbap spoke passionately re repentance...;herod feared jbap bc of his integrity,moral courage is greater than any army,...moral power...physically vulnerable but impregnable;
Jbap: st augustine feast day "Our hearts r restless until they rest in thee" (big waves ) (somber priest)
*god made man free,anything that Makes us slaves is not of god(Ume,Bernard)
*borromeo: re hypocrisy of. Pharisees,they lack the. Internal understandng of god's commandment re LOVE.we too lack @ times,.more concerned about rituals,..rather than doing good for others,
*persecution part of our life as Faithful Disciples,...hear it daily news..we have saviour who delivers us, fr zak,pray 4 iraq africa asia mideast,..mercy grace love,..govt should do everything in power to protect innocents...womanlost eveythng..in church;beheading of james foley,catholic,n hampshire,mother says pray 4 peace of christ.
*peter chanel: michigan priest (now says he's fr new york,thru 5th grade),we should give constant thanksgiving;beware of hypocrisy,we all have a little pharisee in us:(he Never looks to the side)..."mommy just washed pants ystrday" re tag injury;pray4 the conversion of msuslims
*tiki sermon,tui letuli: connect,communicate,speak. Truth,u cruise,lose;u drive,thrive;grow spiritually
Mm: 'love in any language" tiki group
"Take me 2paradise"
"A closer walk w thee"
*mariners ch,steve carter fr willow creek,Jesus rescued u,now u rescue people!: he had a 82 country squire,prayed 4 the seats;Storyhackers,experienxe,story,fear or love,ACT; hawaii story,rescuedwoman,maui
(Intro by young man w kids did intro,talked about beach,mentioned michigan
*jbap: temple worship replaced by Christ,destroy temple & in 3days temple will be restored.70ad,romans destroyed temple,zionist jews want to rebuild temple,but its unneccessary...true worship is in Christ
*(st brendan,frpat),why the master was enraged for not acceptng the garment provided,..he. dissed the master's hospitality,for us its our heart,have I Put on my garment? The garment offered by god. For. My heart
*st basil,fr frank "god will not abandon his people...we the church lift eo up,wipe away tears..."
*lost temple bc...fr jerem,st victor,day of clippers fanfest,,
*be reconciled w one another....by thepower of Jesus...do all u can to be reconciled now,
Mary mag,camarillo
*st James re st clare
*11:15am,ron keller re new atheism movement (nam),cites professor at portland state,peter boghossian,who is trying to destroy christian's faith,; also richard dawkins;
*mariners ch,guest pastor fr yrba linda friends ch,...he hates easter bc he feels forced to "dress up" Jesus,.he says american church faith makes us be too clean,and rejct messy slopppy,...mentioned lakers game,lux suite,too many christians will only go to ch if its like that
*cccm7p,pompous baldy:aren't u glad,u don't hav to work 4 your salvation?can I get an amen?"this is the beautiful thing"(his trademark).he has a spoiled boy tone were good sngers here.were the best....sorry I repent for that."that scallywag judah".Jesus is a lot kinder,more loving,gracious than anyone in this room.u get tgat right?parallels between joseph & Jesus.[black guy w nametag comes out]
*did u hear about the sister who had a sex change she became a transistor,ha ha,(justin marttyr ch)...segue to transfiguration,why did I pause? Because it says "listen".Jesus is both: true god,true man.but u hav to listen,requires activity of the mind.
*a new way of looking @ life,african priest is back,also explained air cond problem, (st bernards) he sounds happy. To be back here "looking @ life fr new perspctv" (asian custodian jingled his keys loudly & said "excuse me sir,r u waiting 4 somebody? Were closing.U can go out that way?)[does the organized church really have anything to w/ god at all apart from words spoken?)]
*st.raymond,african priest,9a,"u shall b my people,I your god..."provide4,care4,protect,covenant rshp,"new covt:new people of god"by virtue of baptism & ress...we need to play our part,.we r chosen so we will bless others,vatican counsel tells us to be holy,be salt,greatest consol.,god is always faithful
*bernard6p;re st john vianney,he sounds jaded (chubby white priest)
*remain firm faith,do not doubt (columban,perfunctory homily)
*miracleof generosity,christcath,8a,viet bpastor,body blood,miracle,breadintofood formany,to be. satisfied,touched. by word Jesus,beyond theirpower,begoodsteard
*mariners ch,sat eve:Justin herman intro (tattoos both arms),kyle zimm says "thanks herman"(aha,herman is a good foil for zimm)
*jesus is w us,til end of world,if we fail to learn lesson fr today,we may end up likeqwise,we have demons too,we have weaknesses ,need to cast them out,we hav material blessings,let us take to heart the lessn of todays reading,what is the lesson,jeremiah rejected bc of his message...jer calls people to repent,people don't want to heat it.at times we r criticized wrongly or rightly...don't always reject criticsm,maybe message fr lord,..stay open,..maybe lord sent message.jesus rejected bc of familiarity.we r often crit by people closr to us.do we reject thm bc of who they r .bc they r imperfct also.maybe lord sent them to dlvr messagr & message
*wheats & tares,image symbol of good & evil intermingled,separation at end of time,.good & evil exist also within each one of us due to original sin, we r struggling to bc purified,..there's our good self,then the other,st ignatius loyola,saint of the day,lasting joy versus temporal
*st marg mary (palmer): he's feeling dizzy,sitting down,point I wanted to make ..sharing.we should realize that all prophets experience criticism,so we r in good company w jeremiah
*st marg mary (lomita) re st martha,whenever lord came to town he would stay w them,how many times had he been rejected,,son of man has nowhere to lay his head,but this family did (martha's fam),...also lazarus (head of the fam)...don't let busyness of life ovrwhelm u.smtms we r so busy w thr work of the lord that we forget the lord of the work
*Mariners 5p: Bianca olthoff married to matt olthoff,a21. Campaign,kyle zimm re trip to gonzalez calif,; creepy lady counting heads walks by with clicker
*8a christ cat: dayafter star trek,young priest always begins w god is good,all he time,god is good,..same line fr god's not dead,kind of corny actually (he recites parishioners lines as we'll,,control freak?)....how many of u r grandparents? We honor st joseph & ann,recognize example...my own gmother..she was so devout,.in morn she opened closet,shrine in closet,pray the rosary..would cry,walk to church,almos 2 miles,my mom said she had a dream when gm died, "go to mass", reminder that faith often has to do w/ what elders taught us...
*jbap: painting showing *&* sitting on the right & left of Jesus,james a martyr,john also? If u seek higher office,expect greater suffering,and more accountability;he attacks protestants for not believing tht priests can change bread to body,anoint,forgive sins etc also don't rejexct imperfect priests,but pray
* christ cath: pray for the zeal to grow ,,,in. greatness and holiness 8a. (Frog anecdote)
[Note: re priests who recitethe congregational response as well as their own,its a sign of a need for power & control.they can't even allow congregation a moment alone to speak]
*the only place to search for truth is in God
(San gab mission 12p)
*(st bernard bllflower6p)God who plants the seed....the seed that grows up...some believe but then turn away,some blv in religion but not in church....church was made by Jesus,..church is of Jesus filled w grace mercy...its the people who r sinful who need to repent.not our will,but the will of the lord.
*columban (pompous1):reviewing one,uninspirational. He did not even apply it to our everyday story of the saint-of-the-day,st brigid (very dry,monot lives (is this juan caboboy? He looks asian)
*ho fam orange: (who is this priest? Deep voice,obviously American) ..humility re who is our brother? Those who do the will of god..make god 1st in life.
*st columban: very brief,perfunctory,"do god's will" homily
*god is good all the time he shouted at start.deliver the good news to the world as mary magdalene did (christ cat,priest w lisp)
*7p,st victor:what kind of sacrifice,simply to walk humbly,do right,what is good,
*12p,blessed sac hw, guest priest & guest homily, walk humbly
*micah a minor prophet re what god seeks? Not burnt offerings..do right,what is good,walk humbly...very clear path (pregnant pause ending,incarn,new priest,8a)
*st mark episcopal:sometimes I would prefer the gospel fit in my life rather than vice-versa, (mark Weitzel?) Seed of god's life planted in each one of us.bishop asked us to pray for migrant children;the 4 soils: re the condition of the human heart.border crisis v crisis of human heart
[What is a time bank?]
*incarn 730a,deacon preaching,girl w pearls,dad says do u love me,wheat & weeds,.use our gifts
PROBLEM RE "our duty to praise You.."I have a problem w praise being a "duty"...makes it sound like work,laborious,something to get done & over with so u can go relax after doing your duty.praise & worship is a privilege.does catholicism lead to works-righteousness?
*cat lab:pompous1 "my dear friends" (x11 or more) See great quality of king hezekiah...no one like him before or after...says "levites" w short e;considered a way for hezekiah to purge sins...we too think we r masters of our life...Jesus proclaims himself master of sabbath..may we humbly acknowledge Jesus (takes a lot of work to understand what he's saying..such a heavy dialect/accent
*good example; middle of night,red light,remote area,long. Red,clear all way,.should u go? Law v spirit (st tim,young priest)
*he yokes himself to us,makes our burden easier, & salvation is our light
*somewhat pompous indian priest (cat lab 5p) always says "my Dear friends" (x8) ,,,telling the Bio of bonaventure. How seek1st kingdom of god? Put god 1st & he will grant success ...fill life w delights...man centered on god loves others,seeks others happiness before own.
*am martyrs:re bonaventure,see god in all things, if u ask how mystical experience,seek mercy of god,lover nt teacher,re the heart,ear of the heart,see saintofthedaycom
*cat lab 5p: if u trust the lord,he will not let u down (stuttering priest)
*st james 8a, liturgy should change us.not just a checklist.find joy everything we have is a gift..appreciate beauty of liturgy...transforming us
*ron heller: we cannot rebuke or bind the devil only the lord can..thus must we say "Lord I ask you to Rebuke & bind the devil in the name of Jesus". He chastizes charleslauertfor rejecting lordship salvation.he chastizes benny hinn,oral roberts,rick joyner,joseph smith (heller. Used to be pastor in san dimas).also swaggart,bakker,tilton,crouch (hmsxl rshp) Q: but what about false accusations? This may be dangerous preaching bc it lacks awareness of nuances and assists false prosecutions.
*saddleback: intro by steve gladen; rick warren in person today re integrity; tom holladay follows up rick warren
*mariners: beshore Jr. Re samson & strength,....tearful bc he had to change his sermons for the asian group,he's a perfectionist (brand new lamborghini in p-lot)
*don't allow fear to dictate our actions (jbap,blond,8a)
*(jbap,asian,8a)when we seek to live our faith in this world,we cannot count on others understanding,sympathy,or support. We can,in fact,count on LACK OF uss..in the face of lack of such..what do?uphold faith & be pleasing to god or not? Don't worry,the Spirit will speak thru u
*show love even when people r not there to receive it...rpray....also day of judgemnt...good intentions count...(af am,jbap
*jbap 5p
*st ed confessor,dana pt:must feed The sheep
*st mary star of sea oceanside 8a:
Jesus was herald teacher healer,compassionate;why do u come to mass?
*St james solana:unless I see I don't believe..to have faith is to build rship...not a question of seeing & touching but...seeking finding deepening
St james,solana:
Evil only has the power that we give it;love of god is real,evil is illusion ...if we give it power,such as protesting helping children @ border
*san juan cap 830a
*bishop vann leading mass,christ cat
*brendan: remembering the martyrs..."there r more martyrs for the faith in the 20th c than all prior 19 centuries combined"; priests cousin was a martyr
*Ron keller @ mariners criticizes robert schuller...somewhat taking him out of context...ron keller is wrong in his outrage that "man is god"...the truth is we become the body of Christ,yes we become God as a corporate entity; criticizes tony jones @ fuller re emergent church movement,that message of gospel changes. His oldest grandson is gay.
*North coast: Jeff moors,young adult pastor...macho man in front of me,bald head,handlebar mustache,big "power watch" on wrist right in front of me around his woman;those in roman society wore rings to prove their wealth.
*mission basilica sjc: re "peopl of the book",law/covenant ...we r spiritual inheritors..we. also r peopl of the book.vatican 2 recaptured scriptures.
*CryCat6a: (younger viet pr) re. False prophets:Beware of some people,they may look like us,but underneath smth else,...god gives us the eyes/ears to know...so we bc a good tree...be a good prophet,...witness & preach
*mt carmel,newport 8a,re jbap feast,we can leap for joy re encounters w oters,evangelizers,joy is more than excitement...never too young or old to be surprised by god...
*6p cccm,1st,Mark's testimony of reformed druggie,kicked out of military,lost job @ fedco,went to u-turn for Christ,...year there or more? Then bible college for year,then hired for radio @ cccm,married;
Preacher(josh turansky?): why did Jesus say "don't tell anybody"; what is cult: they make Jesus less than what he really is;"who do people say I am?" Christ ,messiah,anointed one.anointed: prophets,priests,& kings,Jesus. Is all 3. If they had told people who they thought Jesus was it would have been incomplete testimony...without the cross.
*saddleback:kevin wynn (vietnamese) in pulpit,he grew up in texas,"vietnamese-texan"; left cellular phone business for ministry;let go of our relationships...family peace trip as opposed To family reunion; take over Fam business. "We clear space,so we can receive His blessngs"
*mariners 9a: Jesus:"what is Hateful To others don't do To yourself"(passive,)others misquote luke6.31 but golden rule is active,put self in others shoes,(positive),not I do what I want but what they want/need.Jesus isn't saying "be a punching bag" put on "Golden rule glasses".If I was the person who just cut me off,how would I want to be treated? "Grace & space" (what about those who habitually take advantage Of others? Just keep giving in to them?)
*jbap 8a: condensed ...quotes conchita,god is ordered,he always works timely.he rules over good & bad,always draws glory For self,god takes care of world,god is glorified in all things,we can trust him,
*jbap 5p,(afam) store up treasure in heaven..re money on earth,find security in god,then u will be a symbol of security for others
*justin martyr: re hoarders,what stuff do we hang on to? Where is your heart?
*christ cat (ethnic priest) 6a Jesus is inviting us....treasure in heaven...charity 4 poor,homeless,community,happy about it;ystrday,moving stuff,fr michael says come here $5000 to replace crpet in rectory...people happy to do it
*st columban: "when we pray,good to use own words,but most beautiful is god's word...given to us,we usually ask 4 wrong things as humans,this helps us,1st focus not re us,its about "our father..."; then,daily bread,also spiritual bread,;then spiritual strength (deliver fr evil);
*Christ Cat:6a priest w/ strong Spanish dialect (is This Juan navarro?)seems vulnerable)...the key is to pray..most import Connection...forgiveness/..invited to love,,,,thru experience of forgiveness..every. saying f Jesus begins w something. Abt forgiveness,conquer hate,...life love. 4giveness..
*reminder that almsgiving ,charity,keep doing......things we can't keep hidden...things not done 2b seen..god sees all we do in secret..thus avoid all sin all times.god will hold us accountable.
*jbap (af am)5p:says we need to pray for more (quotes Pope)
*all souls,alhambra (o'toole?):exclusionary worship "us v world" us not acceptable...common courtesies...smiles
*victor:world events cause fear,but good will overcome
*brendan (reg priest is back): better explanation of this OT passage is to say. "Not take too much vengeance"..while the NT GOES EVEN FURTHER..not just the minimum but walk 2 miles
*basil,6a: what if somebdoy strikes my Child? R we not to defend? Mother Theresa turned her cheek but did not back down.challenge of this gospel is to. Be generous...I missed the profundity of. His point
*brian broderson going to europe for 2 weeks
*saddleback:tom holladay intro;danny gokey singing (am idol),warren:re building cabin near yosemite; panel discussion john baker,rob jacobs-law,dave arnold,medical ceo; jim dobbs,advertsing; steve johnson cfo
*Mariners ch:fathers day doug fields,same guy I saw @ saddleback some time ago...the guy who talked About exercise; "oc common man is aggressive in the market but wimpy in steps of faith..."; Jesus was not mr. Rogers,not wimpy...world doesn't crucify a mr rogers...;now ranting re why not joining groups here,why not giving more$,...rant
*smm Lomita:,trinity reps love,bcgod is love;love is central 2 who we r,rock feels no pain..be vulnerable
*cat lab 5p (husky indian):re st anthony
Scott cunningham band? Cccm
Matt redman,like
*st james 8a;Jesus re lust in the heart,purpose of sex is to honor god,not pleasure,,
When I counsel young men..."
"An awful lot like what Jesus says in this
passage, doesn’t it? They’re even more alike once one
realizes that the Greek word for “woman” and “wife”
happens to be the same. In this passage, Jesus
reminds his audience that the Law not only prohibits
adultery, it prohibits coveting. This is not so much an
intensification of the Law as it is a reminder of what
the Law already says. And just as the Law itself was
intended to be fulfilled, Jesus intends his words here
to be followed (and that following them is entirely
tt 26:12)
So it is clear that the grammar is reflecting purpose :
“anyone who looks at a woman in order to covet
her.” (“Covet” is preferable here in part because
“covet” better reflects the intentionality reflected in
the passage.) This is a critically important point; Jesus
is not suggesting that any sexual thought or
inclination towards a woman is sinful. Nor is he
suggesting that such thoughts or attractions being
triggered by a look are sinful. The look is not the
problem (nor is the presence of a beautiful woman,
which some of that day tended to blame as the real
problem); no, these are assumed. What is remarkable
(given the popular misinterpretation) is that Jesus
likewise assumes the presence of sexual desire in the
man as a given, and that sexual desire isn’t seen as
the problem. Instead, Jesus addresses the matter of
intent, of volition, the purpose of the look. The issue
is not the appetite itself but how a man directs this
natural appetite and inclination.
is fits well within the immediate context;
throughout this section of the Sermon on the Mount,
Jesus is pointing out the root causes of the sins
enumerated in the Law. Yes, adultery is a sin, but the
sin has entered the heart the moment one
determines to seek it out. The moment a man even
looks at a woman for that purpose, adultery has
already polluted the heart. This is the line between
natural sexual attraction and the “coveting”
prohibited by the Law: the Law forbids directing
one’s desire towards that which is not lawful. Jesus
does not condemn the desire but the action taken on
the desire..."
The biggest problem with the way these verses are
usually explained is that it misplaces the focus away
from the will, from the commitment of the heart,
towards a condemnation of the natural desires
human beings are created having. Young men in
many churches are effectively told that there is
something inherently sinful in their sexual impulses.
There are several results that typically follow from
1. A great deal of self-defeat and g..." http://www.jasonstaples.com/bible-studies/most-misinterpreted-bible-passages-1-matthew-527-28/
*catlab 6a:"we have to be ready to suffer for the kingdom..."
*cat lab,5p: india priest "my dear bros & sisters..." be kind,loving,forgiving,..do these things 4 god
*st therese,alhambra: re calling a brother a fool: our liturgies are celebrations,..the mass is the wedding feast of the lamb..rivers of life,holy spirit...mt. carmel,carmelites, elijah is praying fervently,servant says I see a cloud as big as a ..cloud becomes big,full,reasdy to pur water,..so abundant is the life given to us by a good God...faith belief,..all that believe might not perish,gift of life thts why we celebrate..its supernatural..open wide your hearts..(he's ranting about negative talk..insulting e/o)
*all souls,alhambra730a: "put some skin in the game"...if your faith doesn't cost u anything,what's it all about? (Wht abt the priest?
* holy fam artesia, 6p, filipino priest thinks its just beginning of spring?
*holy fam orange 12p, he criticizes jehova witness for being "too aggressive". Be salt & light but not too aggressive (hmm?)
*columban 830a: trust completely in god's providence (new priest?)
*crycat 630a: anglo priest (1st time I've seen him)...I tried to make soup but it was flat..my friend added cayenne..& it was the "snap" needed...you too can be "the snap" to others..the salt & light to others.
*jbap,830a,soft-spoke pr: our understanding of "blessed" versus God's meaning.liberal media outraged re pope's Africa chastity comment , pope responded gently..saints re who is truly blessed..monks & religious workers..they give everything up..love solitude (but we r called to be in the world,albeit not of)..blessedness of saints..; must empty ourselves of all our selves (kenosis). (He is perpetually pessimistic,even dour).
*brian bro introduces brandon b on guitar who likes italy.brian says he's filling in for dave who is going to mallorca to "do some ministry",then to england "u can't put god in a box,he won't let u"; Jesus used spittle to heal man's ear to make human connection w man
*does calvary chapel block wi-fi inside the sanctuary? When u enter all the bars (on my t-mobile phone) disappear & clicking on a website makes pop-up re "no service". I don't think its always been this way...: if cal chap is intentionally blocking wi-fi,that's pretty sleazy.
*sheila schuller,was in hospital x4 last year,..."ask for ancient paths", they have a website,harold williams here;also the church on way musicians still here (scott et al);she started @ angelus temple; she lives same neighborhood as scott
* BLESSED SAC: holy spirit is our helper;makes us holy;we live in the spirit;need to use the spirit or allow the spirit to use us,; GIFTS of the SPIRIT: wisdom understanding,knowledge ,piety & fear of the lord (blessed sac wm,pentecost)
*jbap: asian priest re Jesus,a socialist or capitalist? Mentions obama "u didn't build that..." neither..he is "all about the kingdom of heaven..." not re politics, all about salvation souls, norbertines
6/6*st catherine of siena laguna ...the glory is the gospel,the fruit is the unity...supreme good in life of blvr is god,..sharing this news is the greatest good..st. boniface.. went to nw germany,early 1800's..wanted to share "knowledge love"
*larry osborne @ north coast re "the traitor within",(james 1.13-15),not a sin to be tempted,but to give in to tempation"...service @ 6p called "encore" begins in darkness w music, then communion,then greet e/o,then message.don't blame god,others, or the bait
*d martinelli re genesis 38,fields church,
*anchor,re walking dogs,santa fe christian sch (nice school,beautiful grounds, the chapel itself quite humble)
*seacoast,encinitas,they're going to tanzania rwanda (tp4)
*elizabeth would have been stoned for greeting mary rather than the owner of the house (carslbad,catholic)...but their a shalom household..mary received spirit before all others..
*mary star of sea,la jolla:paul & apostles were beaten..god intervenes..e-quake..but they stay there & guard comes to faith...; remember last day of school,end of season,moving on..they wanted Jesus to stay,but Jesus came to do the will of His father..he has re-established righteousness in the world...father sends Jesus as advocate...baton now passed to you,not as fragile humans but w the power of the paraklete
*god is noun & verb,god is love,st john encinitas
*mary star,la jolla: re circumcision,..became a stumbling block...for new gentile blvrs...
*sacred heart (coronado) re vine & branches...meaning of "christopher" (Christ bearer), re mexican priests killed for standing up to anti-catholic mexican govt at the time. ..(see movie, "for our greater glory")
* "if u stand for nothing u willfall 4 anything" st jn evang ch,san diego,..know ur faith,
*rock church SD: I notice they have a "bag check" now as u enter..makes it kind of grim...service begins with the house music...after which, kids in ties sang a song for the firefighters; then macho "tattoo tommy" comes on says a prayer,more house music; lights back up, sb says "who's the man"? & the audience yells "Jesus"...."volunteers" (or paid?) Keep wandering around the aisles...sort of "surveying" the congregation..as if they r looking for something.
miles vid: no dogs barking here..no toronto blessing thing here.. "manifestation"..not assoc w eastern spirit..; prayer,asks all to kneel on floor,..most of the audience r casually dressed..mixed racial composition.; miles vid ...miles keeps asking us to repeat certain words after him & occas. "Can I get an amen?" This church is good for new believers,maybe esp unbelievers..unchurched...coming to Christ..starting their faith journey; miles comes back in person,end of vid, mentions living w wife @ sister's house bf they got their own home; mentions fasting 40 days; ask holy spirit to lead u;were going to train people to do healing prayer..;(backward hat staff man comes sauntering by again); his mother is 4'11" ; fam had a station wagon; "God won't steer u unless ur moving";power v authority. Satan has power to destroy your life but doesn't have authority...sin gives satan authority...your actions indicate to whom or what u give authority.; if lebron james played on girls bb team he would score all the points unless u didn't play him...same w holy spirit..if u don't "play him" he won't perform; then he does an altar call
*st james by the sea episcopal: 18-26 white guys major perpetrators of arson...this church st james-by-the-sea episcopal church was burned down in 1915 by arsonist) ..rev. janet wheelock has san marcos home threatened by fire...? She's from midwest? Mentions minneapolis garage arsonist."Core of the gospel: "I am in the father & the father is in me"
*la jolla presbyterian,"joy be complete",joy=shalom,(jake medcalf,preacher; "ready fire aim" mentality,formerly w/ orange ave comm church; "brass so freakin loud"; "the church doesn't have a mission; the mission of God has a church..."; "why in the h-e-double hockey sticks" "sing the hell out of it"
*bishop: do not let hearts b troubled (crycat
*be of service to god by being of service to e/other (st james,8a)
*"my dear friends" always says the india priest @ cat lab (5p)..judas whom god chose.Kesus chose one of the apostles, God did not abandon the people wo the 12,..the # is sacred,..precisely bc 1 chosen btw.. 2,barsabbas & matthias,..experience the life of Jesus,..also experience the ascension of Jesus,....Jesus after ressurection,....Jesus apprd to them..as the father loved me,I love u, same love...take up cross & follow me
*(st james,8a) re matthias taking place of judas,.priests wear res today.,"so that your joy may be complete"...find joy,hope,loving good way,.."love one another" [LOA]..This is the witness we give to the world..live in His love,way we deal w others..joy & hope,compassion..ask lord to truly reign in our hearts,..
*(american priest,cat lab,6a) lord provides ,st matthias iene of the great..not much said re him,.must assume what heard is a description..there was prayer & thought..lord must have had these words in mind..had to choose sb who was keeping these cmmndmnts..and joyful,& sb who was a friend of Jesus & of the apostles..a descr of matthias,but should also be us."I have chosen You"..we cannot "choose Christ" so to speak,but must be chosen,elected
*spa: dat tran re does "faith produce miracles or miracles produce faith"
*good shep,12p,fr tom,...not by intellect that we come to Christ,its by the spirit, not even an "assent"..not just saying "yes"...but its the heart..what's at the center of who we r,..Jesus did not come & tell a set of doctrines-beliefs,..He invited them to "come"..to form a personal rshp..cannot bc a friend by googling about them..bc a friend by "wasting time" w/ them.
*helen mitchel, gina rikimaru...women minsters @ sadlbck,lynn young re orphan care;eliz styffe (global orphan care)
*rick warren in suit 4 mother's day (big pink tie)..I felt a bit uneasy given his emphasis on what a great sacrifice it is for2 persons to choose to become parents...he was really hanging a heavy guilt load on kids for mother's day..rather than mutual love ..I love my mom not bc of guilt for all she has done but "just because"..likewise I think our feeling of love for god should stem fr love not guilt.
*pastor mike okore,africa? Or okotie? Spprtd by wbs
* doc beshore: "mark was peter's son..."
* st bernard, interstng homily,..mentiond calvary chap costa mesa may not survive wo smith;mentioned schuller at pope mass @ dodger stadium where schuller stunned all by saying we need unity;mentioned catholcs being persecuted,..saying we pray to mary,..pictures etc idolatrous..stand strong he says..
*blessed sac,12p (after springfield star), re his dentis who caused his gums to melt away ("only security is the body & bread")
*holy communion is a pledge of eternal life (fr eugene,incarn)
*re vid,skinny on obesity & bk "fat chance" fructose (bad) v glucose, (good),kpfk,insulin turns sugar into fat; "sugar,the bitter truth"
*how can have persecution & joy? How have good fri & easter? Doing will of god..not always easy,but the right thing. Church oc Christ (cat lab,am priest 6a)
* what r u willint to die for? (Fr pat,brendan
* brian broderson,good message re "when I am weak than God is strong" (similar to rick warren's Sunday message) albeit I didn't like his cheapshot at those "who know greek & hebrew" (didn't broderson go to seminary?,is that why?)
* do we have the love & presence of Christ in us ? Re "4 god so lvd th wrld"(st james)
* bh good shep: deacon kid re community of Christ,sharing with others; confused re chap5 & 6
Bh says water to ancients was bad or death thus baptism into water was into death & then back up into the wind or spirit is life
*saddleback LA: Munfredo next to me,jeremy haynes (af am),blank Bos leading music; also emily benford worship leader; rick warren message re "blessing" (macarias,grk.,means "happiness"); "to be poor in spirit means humbly depend on God rather than myself...depend on God's wisdom & strength & timing & defense & wealth,not mine..."; "baptism is a declaration of dependence"
They went out afraid,st finbar
* fr joe scott re courage of the two new saint-popes,spa
*spa; long ,st finbaily by senior priest
*"do u talk to Christ during the day while working?" God is handing over responsibility to us..wants to be part of our daily lives
(st brendan,irish priest)
*re "A & P Catholics" (ashes & palms) (irish priest,st brendan)
*re bart ehrman, Went from seminary to atheism, (Cccm,broderson)...mentions cults controlling minds
*pride is humbled by shame,..so it works to conceal shame (jbap,) we must develop a hatred of insincerity
*worship is not for god its for us (rh covt,evening)..worship centers us..its not something god "needs" from us...& a bargaining chip ex post facto
*chris cannon @ king's harbor,went to woodleaf, re boasting in the cross: leads to 1)new freedom
*We need to be people of hope (paul barrett, spbs,peter sea,8a)
* do good to one another (marg mary6a)
*730p,ccsb,pastor jack
*5p,cat lab,emeritus
*candle versus charcoal..."candle Christians" can be "blown out" more easily than "charcoal Christians"...the more the wind blows, the more they glow
*we've begun the easter journey (st james)
*clab,no homily
*new pastor cccm: says they found the gates to sodom & gomorrah; god wants to do great things thru u & me...greater than u can imagine..let's set our eyes on Jesus & sail along.
*saddleback: frank turek preaching re "was Jesus intolerant?" Clip from "Son of God" re Jesus cleansing the temple,overturning tables http://crossexamined.org/dr-frank-turek/ . The command to not judge is a command re HOW to judge..ie don't judge hypocritically,not a command to not make judgments at all (and what about judging in terms of eternal life or not?). Jesus was not barney,not mr rogers,...yes he was kind but he was also tough." "Evangelism is one beggar showing another beggar where the food is.."
"Not praying for people,but preying on people" (he criticizes so-called "prosperity gospel"...this is a cheap criticism...he mentions televangelists...its a cheap critique,like a sermon about people being jerks on the freeway)...& comparing the corruption of the temple at the time of Jesus to asking for donations for the church is not a fair analogy)...the point of asking for donations...actually tithes..,whether a tv ministry or any other ministry or church is not so much for the well-being of the ministry but a good faith test of believers..so even if u give to a ministry that is wasteful or greedy..if u give in good faith not knowing the ministry or church is insincere, it WILL be counted as an act of faith by God. If,however,u know a ministry is "bad" & give to them,then u r being wasteful,a bad steward.re Chris Hitchens the atheist..sum him up as "there is no god & I hate him"; when he talks to atheists he asks them "If Christianity were proven true to u would u believe it"? And they say NO,...then why r we even here? We can give them the arguments & proofs all day long but it won't change anything if they don't believe in truth. YES! , Next point,"sex is fire"..outside of the boundaries it will burn your house down...;"if u even look at a woman lustfully..." its impossible,that's the whole point..only Jesus can fulfill perfectly. Christians should be intolerant of evil,...ie "loving".
*doc beshore: re doctrine of blessed hope,"rapture" means "caught up" (rapunzel?)chron order: rapture,apostasy ezek 38,one-world govt,man of sin (dave lampling (?) Re printing of jewish scriptures; "holy spirit will be even more active during the tribulation";"1 of 24 verses talk about the 2nd coming"
*outside pp tustin,dude w beard very gungho re audio bibles,but very concerned re "copyright" issues nkjv,didn't make much sense to me,..but he handed me a pile of cd's..kind of overloaded me,..I said "at least we know that these aborted babies r saved..." & he said something re david alluding to seeing bathsheeba's baby again..which didn't ring a bell in my head, & he said "u don't remember that?"..he was also sarcastic re. Mention of cry cat..a bit overbearing too re "I encourage people to..."
*Sin is the flesh swelling,..desensitiz..leprosy,readio preacher..circumcizw hearts,tony clark cal chap newport news
*marg mary (india priest)6a:the import of reading holy scripture
*cal chap s bay,730p
*cat lab,5p: no homily (irish emiritus read the gospel),stats of the cross after mass
*we should always remain vigilant,.be ready for coming of our savior (st james,8a)
*mark hart 3 (7p) re last-minute flight from arizona to new york,flight made emergency landing,..his prayer..confession,..his dogs in backyard,.when he was still a bachelor,."you'll never meet a truly holy person who doesn't have a sense of humor"
*mark hart 2 (9a), if god was on our same intellectual plane we would be in serious trouble,..think of our god choosing moses the murderer & stutterer over eloquient aaron to be His spokesman..that's not human reasoning,..think of stephen total person of God..why not him as great missionary? No,stephen gets killed right away,..God chooses saul,the enemy of Christ, to become the great missionary.; why did God send an angel? Hail full of grace ...meaning rejoice, thn calls her by full title, "hail full of grace" rather than by name.only time an angel does so."GRACE ...is God's life in us".God desp.wants to put His life in us.its necessary, what word paul uses for grace? Charis, ie eucharist...to fill w grace,life,become walking tabernacles like mary. Holy spirit will overshadow mary. God tells Sara/sarai wife of Abraham she will have a son at age 90.she laughs....and will be named laughter (esau)...abraham /abram means "father of many,father of great many" but up to that point they had no children...Gen 22 "God put Abe to the test..take son Isaac..your only one who u love,go to..offer son as sacrifice..on 3rd day..sight of place from afar "...why this last line so imp? 3 days he must walk knowing what he must do..."God I don't understand u,but I trust u..." moriah is now called calvary..just outside jerusalem.male sheep in thicket of thorns.aha! Foreshadow.jeremiah 31.31 ? re new covenant "I will place my law within them..." on their hearts..." 750 yrs bf Jesus God foreshadows what He will do.Grace: If God did not veil His presence in the blood&body (bread&wine) our hearts would explode. At mass we r "alongside the angels...".paul harvey story re birds in snow..."if only I could show them I'm a friend..."
*jbap: he quotes woody allen? 4 types of prayer: "ACTS" adoration,contrition? thanksgiving,supplication (petition);
*jbap:(bushmaker),zaccheus Was not simple-hearted,heHad aParticInterestintheLord,wasConvertedonTheSpot,somethingSignificantReZaccheus,heWasJewofAbraham,butThisAloneWasNotwhatMadeHimSpecialToJesus;itWasDisposition,AttitudeOfAcceptance;ZaccheusWouldPutIntoPracticeWhateverGod,weShouldAllBeSpiritualDescendentsOfAbraham,NOT,HOLD,BACK
*BAP: TinaSaidHelloToFrank@BelAirPresb
11/6/14 StAmbrose,Cblog2
*ReLike14gke,lgyne,Gke,kftbeVksle,€beGospelofthegospel,thatsthekingdomofGod,becomesfriendofsinners,lostheep,lostcoin,kistson,kingdomofgodinNutshell,referstoUs,heretheytalkabtLostCoinSheep,differenceVtwLostvWandering,anyLovershp,wanderingIsNotTotalLoss,LostisGone,neverComingback,suffering,whendeadThereisResoluition,re AdrianPeterson,whoOwnstheKid?
*redBeard,dom(dayAfterGiantsWin):continues Perseverance&strivehomily,narrowgate,asfoe,spiritualforcresofEvil,sayprayer2sainteveryday,respiritualBattles
*CityChurchMeeting@7thDayAdv&Broderick&California11am,FredHarrelSermon,WorshipLeaderLydiaSuh;normallytheyMeet@russianCenter (whenaDivaSitsInthePew)
*stPaschalBaylon1000Oaks: dontForgetWeRServants;celebratePopeJP2,despiteTiredHePersistedAsPope;
*thisGospelPassageMostSublimeOfHeaven,claudeWilliams fromNewOrleans,homilyre Ursula,sod;weGetSomeGoodnessByAssociation
*mariners5p(sat):2BigGuysSaidHi@GreetMoment;pastorJohnThomasGreeted,thenKentonBeshore(heMustUseaTanningBooth)////…×u guys r fun&attractive,Is he a bit narcissist?OrSuperficial re aesthetics (remember the "dude thatis not attractive";thenKyleZimmerComesOn4Sermon
*stPeterChanel:JesusSentDisciplestothePlacesHeIntended2Visit,faith is the encounterwJesus,allThingsfollow:evanglsmIsNotJustTeaachingDoctrinesButCreatingConditionsSoThatWhenJArived;JesusBeganwMercy
*stBasil 5p,NewPriest,FrJames,5Years,rambledThruHomily,manw100IslandsShirt,notMuchPersonalEmotionAttached2it
*johnMacarthur:parables2Obscure,hidTruthsoHecouldPronounceJudgment,Mk12.,judgmentParable,speaking@Temple,WednesdayofPassionWeek,fridayHewillDie,afterMoneyChangerTirade,momentofReality,indictedThemselves,theParableQuotesIsaiah5:well-known2People,plantedVineyard;Israel&JudahistheVineyard;producedBadGrapes;its a setup 4massacrebyBabylonians,ManDidAllThings2GrowVineyard,thenLongJourney;sentSlave2VineGrowers(normal),v3slaveBeaten&sentAway(shock);v4,anotherSlave&another;NoMoreSlaves,soAllheHas2sendisHisSon(belovedSon);killedTheBelovedSon;thenTheyRealizeItsAboutThem;GodPlantedVineyard(israel)ps80,Jer2,growersRreligLeaders;Heb11,righteousPreachersSewnInHalf:Jer 7.23..theyDidNotObeyjJer25.4"lordsentHisServantProphetsAgain&Again..TurnFromEvil...";Matt23,aFewHoursAfterthisParable:woe,woe,woe...;Mk12,myBelovedSon,onlyOneMore2Send,..ifWeDontKillHim,heWillTakeOver,TempleNeverRebuilt,noMorePriests2000YearsLater;12apostlesBecomeNewStewards,StoneRejectedbcCornerstone
*methodistPomona,revEricSchmidt,re"passionateWorship"whatwereceivefrGodisnotthepurposeofworship,worshipShouldReflectGoodNews,lady said"nice2cu"duringsermon,beganmessagewSmotherBrothersjoke re"ImworriedaboutApathy"shouldneverLeaveWorshipthinking"sowhat"
9/25 mikePilavachi@Mariners,7p,founderSoulSurvivor,
"40 years in flippin desert"LESSONoftheDESERT:
1)humility2)praise ;canubelievetheycomplainedaboutnothavingGarlic
Itmotivatesustoachieve"just&equitabledistribution"<butalsotonotfret rematerialthings,(godfrey?)
*jbap,6a(a{afam):our Fallible consciences,mustnotfollow
*jbap6a,re godsees all,charactertestedbywhatwewoulddoifweknewwewouldntbecaught
When pastor/priests overly-dominate the worship service,using microphone during generalPraiseTimes,
8thGradeChoir "my1stmasswAlltheKids"...announces couples55th anniv,howManylikeMoney? I stepped on doo-doo this morn.what ifi sneeze onit?(excessive);hotweatherThankGod4AirCon..Jesus shinesonus,look@ sky.
*holyName,SanDimas:,r we really intrstd in following the way? Or our way? lady to priest: I'm going to hell,.what love lived out looks like
*jbap,asian:re crosses on Football helmets;also mt soledad: whatabt us? Do we reject the cross?needabigger. Cross togetoverDitch,sunday-size sermon
*mariners,5p,zimmerman intro,kentonBeshore back frsri lanka;he also went to texas,he has 4 sons,"I'm funny in every language";(he never mentions his dad,doc);walk,w,the,wise,bc,wise;walk,w,fools,trouble;u,don't,grow,in,rows;u,grow,in,circles;long story re. David bathsheba;mm:"closeYourHead,BowYourEyes" ; STRANGE COMMENT by beshore that "nobody comes to church on theirown..."seemed to have no sense of going to church as duty/obligation
*ladyofassumption,claremont:re911,19peopleinvolved,Jesus says love enemies,,that's. Noteasy,people say father,personirritatesme,iprayforthem,supposedto,ddddd,wedontgiveupPrayingforEneies,transformed,undrstandFodsways,neverForger,gratefulWecanWorshipFreely
Fr eugene,incarn: interprets scriptur, but doesn't apply it to our lives,.re paul to those having disputes,don't go to court
*zimmerman @ mariners:
fear of the lord is about respect,awe,wonder
*why r Pharisees so Intrstd in what J is doing?
Asking kids,need to know what is it they're going after...external observance alone (aha! Some catholics may b guilty)...more time spend on FB,more depressed...u. can lie to people.that's external..J says I get wht r saying but not where ur going..heart most imp
(jbap,8a,midwest priest)
*jbap 5p,afam priest
*bishop vann:seaof galilee ,...midst of,Jesus. spoke to peter,"do not b afraid"; put out the net one more time. I can't. Yes u can.(christ cat,he was afew minutes tardy; the watcher had to go get him)630a
*armenian guy (always in suit) @ incarn always swaggers in a few minutes after mass begins & now he seems to be closing up quickly at end of mass,all business...there's no humanity in him; doesn't seem to fit @ incarn,he's a robot...
*divine savior by dodger,what is evil? Absence of good *(indian priest preaching,old priest present not preaching)...lots of indian priests,sometms difficult to understand
*olqa (nice priest,y red garment today?); why did herod fear john..people w tremendous muscle but lack neural integrity collapse.jbap spoke passionately re repentance...;herod feared jbap bc of his integrity,moral courage is greater than any army,...moral power...physically vulnerable but impregnable;
Jbap: st augustine feast day "Our hearts r restless until they rest in thee" (big waves ) (somber priest)
*god made man free,anything that Makes us slaves is not of god(Ume,Bernard)
*borromeo: re hypocrisy of. Pharisees,they lack the. Internal understandng of god's commandment re LOVE.we too lack @ times,.more concerned about rituals,..rather than doing good for others,
*persecution part of our life as Faithful Disciples,...hear it daily news..we have saviour who delivers us, fr zak,pray 4 iraq africa asia mideast,..mercy grace love,..govt should do everything in power to protect innocents...womanlost eveythng..in church;beheading of james foley,catholic,n hampshire,mother says pray 4 peace of christ.
*peter chanel: michigan priest (now says he's fr new york,thru 5th grade),we should give constant thanksgiving;beware of hypocrisy,we all have a little pharisee in us:(he Never looks to the side)..."mommy just washed pants ystrday" re tag injury;pray4 the conversion of msuslims
*tiki sermon,tui letuli: connect,communicate,speak. Truth,u cruise,lose;u drive,thrive;grow spiritually
Mm: 'love in any language" tiki group
"Take me 2paradise"
"A closer walk w thee"
*mariners ch,steve carter fr willow creek,Jesus rescued u,now u rescue people!: he had a 82 country squire,prayed 4 the seats;Storyhackers,experienxe,story,fear or love,ACT; hawaii story,rescuedwoman,maui
(Intro by young man w kids did intro,talked about beach,mentioned michigan
*jbap: temple worship replaced by Christ,destroy temple & in 3days temple will be restored.70ad,romans destroyed temple,zionist jews want to rebuild temple,but its unneccessary...true worship is in Christ
*(st brendan,frpat),why the master was enraged for not acceptng the garment provided,..he. dissed the master's hospitality,for us its our heart,have I Put on my garment? The garment offered by god. For. My heart
*st basil,fr frank "god will not abandon his people...we the church lift eo up,wipe away tears..."
*lost temple bc...fr jerem,st victor,day of clippers fanfest,,
*be reconciled w one another....by thepower of Jesus...do all u can to be reconciled now,
Mary mag,camarillo
*st James re st clare
*11:15am,ron keller re new atheism movement (nam),cites professor at portland state,peter boghossian,who is trying to destroy christian's faith,; also richard dawkins;
*mariners ch,guest pastor fr yrba linda friends ch,...he hates easter bc he feels forced to "dress up" Jesus,.he says american church faith makes us be too clean,and rejct messy slopppy,...mentioned lakers game,lux suite,too many christians will only go to ch if its like that
*cccm7p,pompous baldy:aren't u glad,u don't hav to work 4 your salvation?can I get an amen?"this is the beautiful thing"(his trademark).he has a spoiled boy tone were good sngers here.were the best....sorry I repent for that."that scallywag judah".Jesus is a lot kinder,more loving,gracious than anyone in this room.u get tgat right?parallels between joseph & Jesus.[black guy w nametag comes out]
*did u hear about the sister who had a sex change she became a transistor,ha ha,(justin marttyr ch)...segue to transfiguration,why did I pause? Because it says "listen".Jesus is both: true god,true man.but u hav to listen,requires activity of the mind.
*a new way of looking @ life,african priest is back,also explained air cond problem, (st bernards) he sounds happy. To be back here "looking @ life fr new perspctv" (asian custodian jingled his keys loudly & said "excuse me sir,r u waiting 4 somebody? Were closing.U can go out that way?)[does the organized church really have anything to w/ god at all apart from words spoken?)]
*st.raymond,african priest,9a,"u shall b my people,I your god..."provide4,care4,protect,covenant rshp,"new covt:new people of god"by virtue of baptism & ress...we need to play our part,.we r chosen so we will bless others,vatican counsel tells us to be holy,be salt,greatest consol.,god is always faithful
*bernard6p;re st john vianney,he sounds jaded (chubby white priest)
*remain firm faith,do not doubt (columban,perfunctory homily)
*miracleof generosity,christcath,8a,viet bpastor,body blood,miracle,breadintofood formany,to be. satisfied,touched. by word Jesus,beyond theirpower,begoodsteard
*mariners ch,sat eve:Justin herman intro (tattoos both arms),kyle zimm says "thanks herman"(aha,herman is a good foil for zimm)
*jesus is w us,til end of world,if we fail to learn lesson fr today,we may end up likeqwise,we have demons too,we have weaknesses ,need to cast them out,we hav material blessings,let us take to heart the lessn of todays reading,what is the lesson,jeremiah rejected bc of his message...jer calls people to repent,people don't want to heat it.at times we r criticized wrongly or rightly...don't always reject criticsm,maybe message fr lord,..stay open,..maybe lord sent message.jesus rejected bc of familiarity.we r often crit by people closr to us.do we reject thm bc of who they r .bc they r imperfct also.maybe lord sent them to dlvr messagr & message
*wheats & tares,image symbol of good & evil intermingled,separation at end of time,.good & evil exist also within each one of us due to original sin, we r struggling to bc purified,..there's our good self,then the other,st ignatius loyola,saint of the day,lasting joy versus temporal
*st marg mary (palmer): he's feeling dizzy,sitting down,point I wanted to make ..sharing.we should realize that all prophets experience criticism,so we r in good company w jeremiah
*st marg mary (lomita) re st martha,whenever lord came to town he would stay w them,how many times had he been rejected,,son of man has nowhere to lay his head,but this family did (martha's fam),...also lazarus (head of the fam)...don't let busyness of life ovrwhelm u.smtms we r so busy w thr work of the lord that we forget the lord of the work
*Mariners 5p: Bianca olthoff married to matt olthoff,a21. Campaign,kyle zimm re trip to gonzalez calif,; creepy lady counting heads walks by with clicker
*8a christ cat: dayafter star trek,young priest always begins w god is good,all he time,god is good,..same line fr god's not dead,kind of corny actually (he recites parishioners lines as we'll,,control freak?)....how many of u r grandparents? We honor st joseph & ann,recognize example...my own gmother..she was so devout,.in morn she opened closet,shrine in closet,pray the rosary..would cry,walk to church,almos 2 miles,my mom said she had a dream when gm died, "go to mass", reminder that faith often has to do w/ what elders taught us...
*jbap: painting showing *&* sitting on the right & left of Jesus,james a martyr,john also? If u seek higher office,expect greater suffering,and more accountability;he attacks protestants for not believing tht priests can change bread to body,anoint,forgive sins etc also don't rejexct imperfect priests,but pray
* christ cath: pray for the zeal to grow ,,,in. greatness and holiness 8a. (Frog anecdote)
[Note: re priests who recitethe congregational response as well as their own,its a sign of a need for power & control.they can't even allow congregation a moment alone to speak]
*the only place to search for truth is in God
(San gab mission 12p)
*(st bernard bllflower6p)God who plants the seed....the seed that grows up...some believe but then turn away,some blv in religion but not in church....church was made by Jesus,..church is of Jesus filled w grace mercy...its the people who r sinful who need to repent.not our will,but the will of the lord.
*columban (pompous1):reviewing one,uninspirational. He did not even apply it to our everyday story of the saint-of-the-day,st brigid (very dry,monot lives (is this juan caboboy? He looks asian)
*ho fam orange: (who is this priest? Deep voice,obviously American) ..humility re who is our brother? Those who do the will of god..make god 1st in life.
*st columban: very brief,perfunctory,"do god's will" homily
*god is good all the time he shouted at start.deliver the good news to the world as mary magdalene did (christ cat,priest w lisp)
*7p,st victor:what kind of sacrifice,simply to walk humbly,do right,what is good,
*12p,blessed sac hw, guest priest & guest homily, walk humbly
*micah a minor prophet re what god seeks? Not burnt offerings..do right,what is good,walk humbly...very clear path (pregnant pause ending,incarn,new priest,8a)
*st mark episcopal:sometimes I would prefer the gospel fit in my life rather than vice-versa, (mark Weitzel?) Seed of god's life planted in each one of us.bishop asked us to pray for migrant children;the 4 soils: re the condition of the human heart.border crisis v crisis of human heart
[What is a time bank?]
*incarn 730a,deacon preaching,girl w pearls,dad says do u love me,wheat & weeds,.use our gifts
PROBLEM RE "our duty to praise You.."I have a problem w praise being a "duty"...makes it sound like work,laborious,something to get done & over with so u can go relax after doing your duty.praise & worship is a privilege.does catholicism lead to works-righteousness?
*cat lab:pompous1 "my dear friends" (x11 or more) See great quality of king hezekiah...no one like him before or after...says "levites" w short e;considered a way for hezekiah to purge sins...we too think we r masters of our life...Jesus proclaims himself master of sabbath..may we humbly acknowledge Jesus (takes a lot of work to understand what he's saying..such a heavy dialect/accent
*good example; middle of night,red light,remote area,long. Red,clear all way,.should u go? Law v spirit (st tim,young priest)
*he yokes himself to us,makes our burden easier, & salvation is our light
*somewhat pompous indian priest (cat lab 5p) always says "my Dear friends" (x8) ,,,telling the Bio of bonaventure. How seek1st kingdom of god? Put god 1st & he will grant success ...fill life w delights...man centered on god loves others,seeks others happiness before own.
*am martyrs:re bonaventure,see god in all things, if u ask how mystical experience,seek mercy of god,lover nt teacher,re the heart,ear of the heart,see saintofthedaycom
*cat lab 5p: if u trust the lord,he will not let u down (stuttering priest)
*st james 8a, liturgy should change us.not just a checklist.find joy everything we have is a gift..appreciate beauty of liturgy...transforming us
*ron heller: we cannot rebuke or bind the devil only the lord can..thus must we say "Lord I ask you to Rebuke & bind the devil in the name of Jesus". He chastizes charleslauertfor rejecting lordship salvation.he chastizes benny hinn,oral roberts,rick joyner,joseph smith (heller. Used to be pastor in san dimas).also swaggart,bakker,tilton,crouch (hmsxl rshp) Q: but what about false accusations? This may be dangerous preaching bc it lacks awareness of nuances and assists false prosecutions.
*saddleback: intro by steve gladen; rick warren in person today re integrity; tom holladay follows up rick warren
*mariners: beshore Jr. Re samson & strength,....tearful bc he had to change his sermons for the asian group,he's a perfectionist (brand new lamborghini in p-lot)
*don't allow fear to dictate our actions (jbap,blond,8a)
*(jbap,asian,8a)when we seek to live our faith in this world,we cannot count on others understanding,sympathy,or support. We can,in fact,count on LACK OF uss..in the face of lack of such..what do?uphold faith & be pleasing to god or not? Don't worry,the Spirit will speak thru u
*show love even when people r not there to receive it...rpray....also day of judgemnt...good intentions count...(af am,jbap
*jbap 5p
*st ed confessor,dana pt:must feed The sheep
*st mary star of sea oceanside 8a:
Jesus was herald teacher healer,compassionate;why do u come to mass?
*St james solana:unless I see I don't believe..to have faith is to build rship...not a question of seeing & touching but...seeking finding deepening
St james,solana:
Evil only has the power that we give it;love of god is real,evil is illusion ...if we give it power,such as protesting helping children @ border
*san juan cap 830a
*bishop vann leading mass,christ cat
*brendan: remembering the martyrs..."there r more martyrs for the faith in the 20th c than all prior 19 centuries combined"; priests cousin was a martyr
*Ron keller @ mariners criticizes robert schuller...somewhat taking him out of context...ron keller is wrong in his outrage that "man is god"...the truth is we become the body of Christ,yes we become God as a corporate entity; criticizes tony jones @ fuller re emergent church movement,that message of gospel changes. His oldest grandson is gay.
*North coast: Jeff moors,young adult pastor...macho man in front of me,bald head,handlebar mustache,big "power watch" on wrist right in front of me around his woman;those in roman society wore rings to prove their wealth.
*mission basilica sjc: re "peopl of the book",law/covenant ...we r spiritual inheritors..we. also r peopl of the book.vatican 2 recaptured scriptures.
*CryCat6a: (younger viet pr) re. False prophets:Beware of some people,they may look like us,but underneath smth else,...god gives us the eyes/ears to know...so we bc a good tree...be a good prophet,...witness & preach
*mt carmel,newport 8a,re jbap feast,we can leap for joy re encounters w oters,evangelizers,joy is more than excitement...never too young or old to be surprised by god...
*6p cccm,1st,Mark's testimony of reformed druggie,kicked out of military,lost job @ fedco,went to u-turn for Christ,...year there or more? Then bible college for year,then hired for radio @ cccm,married;
Preacher(josh turansky?): why did Jesus say "don't tell anybody"; what is cult: they make Jesus less than what he really is;"who do people say I am?" Christ ,messiah,anointed one.anointed: prophets,priests,& kings,Jesus. Is all 3. If they had told people who they thought Jesus was it would have been incomplete testimony...without the cross.
*saddleback:kevin wynn (vietnamese) in pulpit,he grew up in texas,"vietnamese-texan"; left cellular phone business for ministry;let go of our relationships...family peace trip as opposed To family reunion; take over Fam business. "We clear space,so we can receive His blessngs"
*mariners 9a: Jesus:"what is Hateful To others don't do To yourself"(passive,)others misquote luke6.31 but golden rule is active,put self in others shoes,(positive),not I do what I want but what they want/need.Jesus isn't saying "be a punching bag" put on "Golden rule glasses".If I was the person who just cut me off,how would I want to be treated? "Grace & space" (what about those who habitually take advantage Of others? Just keep giving in to them?)
*jbap 8a: condensed ...quotes conchita,god is ordered,he always works timely.he rules over good & bad,always draws glory For self,god takes care of world,god is glorified in all things,we can trust him,
*jbap 5p,(afam) store up treasure in heaven..re money on earth,find security in god,then u will be a symbol of security for others
*justin martyr: re hoarders,what stuff do we hang on to? Where is your heart?
*christ cat (ethnic priest) 6a Jesus is inviting us....treasure in heaven...charity 4 poor,homeless,community,happy about it;ystrday,moving stuff,fr michael says come here $5000 to replace crpet in rectory...people happy to do it
*st columban: "when we pray,good to use own words,but most beautiful is god's word...given to us,we usually ask 4 wrong things as humans,this helps us,1st focus not re us,its about "our father..."; then,daily bread,also spiritual bread,;then spiritual strength (deliver fr evil);
*Christ Cat:6a priest w/ strong Spanish dialect (is This Juan navarro?)seems vulnerable)...the key is to pray..most import Connection...forgiveness/..invited to love,,,,thru experience of forgiveness..every. saying f Jesus begins w something. Abt forgiveness,conquer hate,...life love. 4giveness..
*reminder that almsgiving ,charity,keep doing......things we can't keep hidden...things not done 2b seen..god sees all we do in secret..thus avoid all sin all times.god will hold us accountable.
*jbap (af am)5p:says we need to pray for more (quotes Pope)
*all souls,alhambra (o'toole?):exclusionary worship "us v world" us not acceptable...common courtesies...smiles
*victor:world events cause fear,but good will overcome
*brendan (reg priest is back): better explanation of this OT passage is to say. "Not take too much vengeance"..while the NT GOES EVEN FURTHER..not just the minimum but walk 2 miles
*basil,6a: what if somebdoy strikes my Child? R we not to defend? Mother Theresa turned her cheek but did not back down.challenge of this gospel is to. Be generous...I missed the profundity of. His point
*brian broderson going to europe for 2 weeks
*saddleback:tom holladay intro;danny gokey singing (am idol),warren:re building cabin near yosemite; panel discussion john baker,rob jacobs-law,dave arnold,medical ceo; jim dobbs,advertsing; steve johnson cfo
*Mariners ch:fathers day doug fields,same guy I saw @ saddleback some time ago...the guy who talked About exercise; "oc common man is aggressive in the market but wimpy in steps of faith..."; Jesus was not mr. Rogers,not wimpy...world doesn't crucify a mr rogers...;now ranting re why not joining groups here,why not giving more$,...rant
*smm Lomita:,trinity reps love,bcgod is love;love is central 2 who we r,rock feels no pain..be vulnerable
*cat lab 5p (husky indian):re st anthony
Scott cunningham band? Cccm
Matt redman,like
*st james 8a;Jesus re lust in the heart,purpose of sex is to honor god,not pleasure,,
When I counsel young men..."
"An awful lot like what Jesus says in this
passage, doesn’t it? They’re even more alike once one
realizes that the Greek word for “woman” and “wife”
happens to be the same. In this passage, Jesus
reminds his audience that the Law not only prohibits
adultery, it prohibits coveting. This is not so much an
intensification of the Law as it is a reminder of what
the Law already says. And just as the Law itself was
intended to be fulfilled, Jesus intends his words here
to be followed (and that following them is entirely
tt 26:12)
So it is clear that the grammar is reflecting purpose :
“anyone who looks at a woman in order to covet
her.” (“Covet” is preferable here in part because
“covet” better reflects the intentionality reflected in
the passage.) This is a critically important point; Jesus
is not suggesting that any sexual thought or
inclination towards a woman is sinful. Nor is he
suggesting that such thoughts or attractions being
triggered by a look are sinful. The look is not the
problem (nor is the presence of a beautiful woman,
which some of that day tended to blame as the real
problem); no, these are assumed. What is remarkable
(given the popular misinterpretation) is that Jesus
likewise assumes the presence of sexual desire in the
man as a given, and that sexual desire isn’t seen as
the problem. Instead, Jesus addresses the matter of
intent, of volition, the purpose of the look. The issue
is not the appetite itself but how a man directs this
natural appetite and inclination.
is fits well within the immediate context;
throughout this section of the Sermon on the Mount,
Jesus is pointing out the root causes of the sins
enumerated in the Law. Yes, adultery is a sin, but the
sin has entered the heart the moment one
determines to seek it out. The moment a man even
looks at a woman for that purpose, adultery has
already polluted the heart. This is the line between
natural sexual attraction and the “coveting”
prohibited by the Law: the Law forbids directing
one’s desire towards that which is not lawful. Jesus
does not condemn the desire but the action taken on
the desire..."
The biggest problem with the way these verses are
usually explained is that it misplaces the focus away
from the will, from the commitment of the heart,
towards a condemnation of the natural desires
human beings are created having. Young men in
many churches are effectively told that there is
something inherently sinful in their sexual impulses.
There are several results that typically follow from
1. A great deal of self-defeat and g..." http://www.jasonstaples.com/bible-studies/most-misinterpreted-bible-passages-1-matthew-527-28/
*catlab 6a:"we have to be ready to suffer for the kingdom..."
*cat lab,5p: india priest "my dear bros & sisters..." be kind,loving,forgiving,..do these things 4 god
*st therese,alhambra: re calling a brother a fool: our liturgies are celebrations,..the mass is the wedding feast of the lamb..rivers of life,holy spirit...mt. carmel,carmelites, elijah is praying fervently,servant says I see a cloud as big as a ..cloud becomes big,full,reasdy to pur water,..so abundant is the life given to us by a good God...faith belief,..all that believe might not perish,gift of life thts why we celebrate..its supernatural..open wide your hearts..(he's ranting about negative talk..insulting e/o)
*all souls,alhambra730a: "put some skin in the game"...if your faith doesn't cost u anything,what's it all about? (Wht abt the priest?
* holy fam artesia, 6p, filipino priest thinks its just beginning of spring?
*holy fam orange 12p, he criticizes jehova witness for being "too aggressive". Be salt & light but not too aggressive (hmm?)
*columban 830a: trust completely in god's providence (new priest?)
*crycat 630a: anglo priest (1st time I've seen him)...I tried to make soup but it was flat..my friend added cayenne..& it was the "snap" needed...you too can be "the snap" to others..the salt & light to others.
*jbap,830a,soft-spoke pr: our understanding of "blessed" versus God's meaning.liberal media outraged re pope's Africa chastity comment , pope responded gently..saints re who is truly blessed..monks & religious workers..they give everything up..love solitude (but we r called to be in the world,albeit not of)..blessedness of saints..; must empty ourselves of all our selves (kenosis). (He is perpetually pessimistic,even dour).
*brian bro introduces brandon b on guitar who likes italy.brian says he's filling in for dave who is going to mallorca to "do some ministry",then to england "u can't put god in a box,he won't let u"; Jesus used spittle to heal man's ear to make human connection w man
*does calvary chapel block wi-fi inside the sanctuary? When u enter all the bars (on my t-mobile phone) disappear & clicking on a website makes pop-up re "no service". I don't think its always been this way...: if cal chap is intentionally blocking wi-fi,that's pretty sleazy.
*sheila schuller,was in hospital x4 last year,..."ask for ancient paths", they have a website,harold williams here;also the church on way musicians still here (scott et al);she started @ angelus temple; she lives same neighborhood as scott
* BLESSED SAC: holy spirit is our helper;makes us holy;we live in the spirit;need to use the spirit or allow the spirit to use us,; GIFTS of the SPIRIT: wisdom understanding,knowledge ,piety & fear of the lord (blessed sac wm,pentecost)
*jbap: asian priest re Jesus,a socialist or capitalist? Mentions obama "u didn't build that..." neither..he is "all about the kingdom of heaven..." not re politics, all about salvation souls, norbertines
6/6*st catherine of siena laguna ...the glory is the gospel,the fruit is the unity...supreme good in life of blvr is god,..sharing this news is the greatest good..st. boniface.. went to nw germany,early 1800's..wanted to share "knowledge love"
*larry osborne @ north coast re "the traitor within",(james 1.13-15),not a sin to be tempted,but to give in to tempation"...service @ 6p called "encore" begins in darkness w music, then communion,then greet e/o,then message.don't blame god,others, or the bait
*d martinelli re genesis 38,fields church,
*anchor,re walking dogs,santa fe christian sch (nice school,beautiful grounds, the chapel itself quite humble)
*seacoast,encinitas,they're going to tanzania rwanda (tp4)
*elizabeth would have been stoned for greeting mary rather than the owner of the house (carslbad,catholic)...but their a shalom household..mary received spirit before all others..
*mary star of sea,la jolla:paul & apostles were beaten..god intervenes..e-quake..but they stay there & guard comes to faith...; remember last day of school,end of season,moving on..they wanted Jesus to stay,but Jesus came to do the will of His father..he has re-established righteousness in the world...father sends Jesus as advocate...baton now passed to you,not as fragile humans but w the power of the paraklete
*god is noun & verb,god is love,st john encinitas
*mary star,la jolla: re circumcision,..became a stumbling block...for new gentile blvrs...
*sacred heart (coronado) re vine & branches...meaning of "christopher" (Christ bearer), re mexican priests killed for standing up to anti-catholic mexican govt at the time. ..(see movie, "for our greater glory")
* "if u stand for nothing u willfall 4 anything" st jn evang ch,san diego,..know ur faith,
*rock church SD: I notice they have a "bag check" now as u enter..makes it kind of grim...service begins with the house music...after which, kids in ties sang a song for the firefighters; then macho "tattoo tommy" comes on says a prayer,more house music; lights back up, sb says "who's the man"? & the audience yells "Jesus"...."volunteers" (or paid?) Keep wandering around the aisles...sort of "surveying" the congregation..as if they r looking for something.
miles vid: no dogs barking here..no toronto blessing thing here.. "manifestation"..not assoc w eastern spirit..; prayer,asks all to kneel on floor,..most of the audience r casually dressed..mixed racial composition.; miles vid ...miles keeps asking us to repeat certain words after him & occas. "Can I get an amen?" This church is good for new believers,maybe esp unbelievers..unchurched...coming to Christ..starting their faith journey; miles comes back in person,end of vid, mentions living w wife @ sister's house bf they got their own home; mentions fasting 40 days; ask holy spirit to lead u;were going to train people to do healing prayer..;(backward hat staff man comes sauntering by again); his mother is 4'11" ; fam had a station wagon; "God won't steer u unless ur moving";power v authority. Satan has power to destroy your life but doesn't have authority...sin gives satan authority...your actions indicate to whom or what u give authority.; if lebron james played on girls bb team he would score all the points unless u didn't play him...same w holy spirit..if u don't "play him" he won't perform; then he does an altar call
*st james by the sea episcopal: 18-26 white guys major perpetrators of arson...this church st james-by-the-sea episcopal church was burned down in 1915 by arsonist) ..rev. janet wheelock has san marcos home threatened by fire...? She's from midwest? Mentions minneapolis garage arsonist."Core of the gospel: "I am in the father & the father is in me"
*la jolla presbyterian,"joy be complete",joy=shalom,(jake medcalf,preacher; "ready fire aim" mentality,formerly w/ orange ave comm church; "brass so freakin loud"; "the church doesn't have a mission; the mission of God has a church..."; "why in the h-e-double hockey sticks" "sing the hell out of it"
*bishop: do not let hearts b troubled (crycat
*be of service to god by being of service to e/other (st james,8a)
*"my dear friends" always says the india priest @ cat lab (5p)..judas whom god chose.Kesus chose one of the apostles, God did not abandon the people wo the 12,..the # is sacred,..precisely bc 1 chosen btw.. 2,barsabbas & matthias,..experience the life of Jesus,..also experience the ascension of Jesus,....Jesus after ressurection,....Jesus apprd to them..as the father loved me,I love u, same love...take up cross & follow me
*(st james,8a) re matthias taking place of judas,.priests wear res today.,"so that your joy may be complete"...find joy,hope,loving good way,.."love one another" [LOA]..This is the witness we give to the world..live in His love,way we deal w others..joy & hope,compassion..ask lord to truly reign in our hearts,..
*(american priest,cat lab,6a) lord provides ,st matthias iene of the great..not much said re him,.must assume what heard is a description..there was prayer & thought..lord must have had these words in mind..had to choose sb who was keeping these cmmndmnts..and joyful,& sb who was a friend of Jesus & of the apostles..a descr of matthias,but should also be us."I have chosen You"..we cannot "choose Christ" so to speak,but must be chosen,elected
*spa: dat tran re does "faith produce miracles or miracles produce faith"
*good shep,12p,fr tom,...not by intellect that we come to Christ,its by the spirit, not even an "assent"..not just saying "yes"...but its the heart..what's at the center of who we r,..Jesus did not come & tell a set of doctrines-beliefs,..He invited them to "come"..to form a personal rshp..cannot bc a friend by googling about them..bc a friend by "wasting time" w/ them.
*helen mitchel, gina rikimaru...women minsters @ sadlbck,lynn young re orphan care;eliz styffe (global orphan care)
*rick warren in suit 4 mother's day (big pink tie)..I felt a bit uneasy given his emphasis on what a great sacrifice it is for2 persons to choose to become parents...he was really hanging a heavy guilt load on kids for mother's day..rather than mutual love ..I love my mom not bc of guilt for all she has done but "just because"..likewise I think our feeling of love for god should stem fr love not guilt.
*pastor mike okore,africa? Or okotie? Spprtd by wbs
* doc beshore: "mark was peter's son..."
* st bernard, interstng homily,..mentiond calvary chap costa mesa may not survive wo smith;mentioned schuller at pope mass @ dodger stadium where schuller stunned all by saying we need unity;mentioned catholcs being persecuted,..saying we pray to mary,..pictures etc idolatrous..stand strong he says..
*blessed sac,12p (after springfield star), re his dentis who caused his gums to melt away ("only security is the body & bread")
*holy communion is a pledge of eternal life (fr eugene,incarn)
*re vid,skinny on obesity & bk "fat chance" fructose (bad) v glucose, (good),kpfk,insulin turns sugar into fat; "sugar,the bitter truth"
*how can have persecution & joy? How have good fri & easter? Doing will of god..not always easy,but the right thing. Church oc Christ (cat lab,am priest 6a)
* what r u willint to die for? (Fr pat,brendan
* brian broderson,good message re "when I am weak than God is strong" (similar to rick warren's Sunday message) albeit I didn't like his cheapshot at those "who know greek & hebrew" (didn't broderson go to seminary?,is that why?)
* do we have the love & presence of Christ in us ? Re "4 god so lvd th wrld"(st james)
* bh good shep: deacon kid re community of Christ,sharing with others; confused re chap5 & 6
Bh says water to ancients was bad or death thus baptism into water was into death & then back up into the wind or spirit is life
*saddleback LA: Munfredo next to me,jeremy haynes (af am),blank Bos leading music; also emily benford worship leader; rick warren message re "blessing" (macarias,grk.,means "happiness"); "to be poor in spirit means humbly depend on God rather than myself...depend on God's wisdom & strength & timing & defense & wealth,not mine..."; "baptism is a declaration of dependence"
They went out afraid,st finbar
* fr joe scott re courage of the two new saint-popes,spa
*spa; long ,st finbaily by senior priest
*"do u talk to Christ during the day while working?" God is handing over responsibility to us..wants to be part of our daily lives
(st brendan,irish priest)
*re "A & P Catholics" (ashes & palms) (irish priest,st brendan)
*re bart ehrman, Went from seminary to atheism, (Cccm,broderson)...mentions cults controlling minds
*pride is humbled by shame,..so it works to conceal shame (jbap,) we must develop a hatred of insincerity
*worship is not for god its for us (rh covt,evening)..worship centers us..its not something god "needs" from us...& a bargaining chip ex post facto
*chris cannon @ king's harbor,went to woodleaf, re boasting in the cross: leads to 1)new freedom
*We need to be people of hope (paul barrett, spbs,peter sea,8a)
* do good to one another (marg mary6a)
*730p,ccsb,pastor jack
*5p,cat lab,emeritus
*candle versus charcoal..."candle Christians" can be "blown out" more easily than "charcoal Christians"...the more the wind blows, the more they glow
*we've begun the easter journey (st james)
*clab,no homily
*new pastor cccm: says they found the gates to sodom & gomorrah; god wants to do great things thru u & me...greater than u can imagine..let's set our eyes on Jesus & sail along.
*saddleback: frank turek preaching re "was Jesus intolerant?" Clip from "Son of God" re Jesus cleansing the temple,overturning tables http://crossexamined.org/dr-frank-turek/ . The command to not judge is a command re HOW to judge..ie don't judge hypocritically,not a command to not make judgments at all (and what about judging in terms of eternal life or not?). Jesus was not barney,not mr rogers,...yes he was kind but he was also tough." "Evangelism is one beggar showing another beggar where the food is.."
"Not praying for people,but preying on people" (he criticizes so-called "prosperity gospel"...this is a cheap criticism...he mentions televangelists...its a cheap critique,like a sermon about people being jerks on the freeway)...& comparing the corruption of the temple at the time of Jesus to asking for donations for the church is not a fair analogy)...the point of asking for donations...actually tithes..,whether a tv ministry or any other ministry or church is not so much for the well-being of the ministry but a good faith test of believers..so even if u give to a ministry that is wasteful or greedy..if u give in good faith not knowing the ministry or church is insincere, it WILL be counted as an act of faith by God. If,however,u know a ministry is "bad" & give to them,then u r being wasteful,a bad steward.re Chris Hitchens the atheist..sum him up as "there is no god & I hate him"; when he talks to atheists he asks them "If Christianity were proven true to u would u believe it"? And they say NO,...then why r we even here? We can give them the arguments & proofs all day long but it won't change anything if they don't believe in truth. YES! , Next point,"sex is fire"..outside of the boundaries it will burn your house down...;"if u even look at a woman lustfully..." its impossible,that's the whole point..only Jesus can fulfill perfectly. Christians should be intolerant of evil,...ie "loving".
*doc beshore: re doctrine of blessed hope,"rapture" means "caught up" (rapunzel?)chron order: rapture,apostasy ezek 38,one-world govt,man of sin (dave lampling (?) Re printing of jewish scriptures; "holy spirit will be even more active during the tribulation";"1 of 24 verses talk about the 2nd coming"
*outside pp tustin,dude w beard very gungho re audio bibles,but very concerned re "copyright" issues nkjv,didn't make much sense to me,..but he handed me a pile of cd's..kind of overloaded me,..I said "at least we know that these aborted babies r saved..." & he said something re david alluding to seeing bathsheeba's baby again..which didn't ring a bell in my head, & he said "u don't remember that?"..he was also sarcastic re. Mention of cry cat..a bit overbearing too re "I encourage people to..."
*Sin is the flesh swelling,..desensitiz..leprosy,readio preacher..circumcizw hearts,tony clark cal chap newport news
*marg mary (india priest)6a:the import of reading holy scripture
*cal chap s bay,730p
*cat lab,5p: no homily (irish emiritus read the gospel),stats of the cross after mass
*we should always remain vigilant,.be ready for coming of our savior (st james,8a)
*mark hart 3 (7p) re last-minute flight from arizona to new york,flight made emergency landing,..his prayer..confession,..his dogs in backyard,.when he was still a bachelor,."you'll never meet a truly holy person who doesn't have a sense of humor"
*mark hart 2 (9a), if god was on our same intellectual plane we would be in serious trouble,..think of our god choosing moses the murderer & stutterer over eloquient aaron to be His spokesman..that's not human reasoning,..think of stephen total person of God..why not him as great missionary? No,stephen gets killed right away,..God chooses saul,the enemy of Christ, to become the great missionary.; why did God send an angel? Hail full of grace ...meaning rejoice, thn calls her by full title, "hail full of grace" rather than by name.only time an angel does so."GRACE ...is God's life in us".God desp.wants to put His life in us.its necessary, what word paul uses for grace? Charis, ie eucharist...to fill w grace,life,become walking tabernacles like mary. Holy spirit will overshadow mary. God tells Sara/sarai wife of Abraham she will have a son at age 90.she laughs....and will be named laughter (esau)...abraham /abram means "father of many,father of great many" but up to that point they had no children...Gen 22 "God put Abe to the test..take son Isaac..your only one who u love,go to..offer son as sacrifice..on 3rd day..sight of place from afar "...why this last line so imp? 3 days he must walk knowing what he must do..."God I don't understand u,but I trust u..." moriah is now called calvary..just outside jerusalem.male sheep in thicket of thorns.aha! Foreshadow.jeremiah 31.31 ? re new covenant "I will place my law within them..." on their hearts..." 750 yrs bf Jesus God foreshadows what He will do.Grace: If God did not veil His presence in the blood&body (bread&wine) our hearts would explode. At mass we r "alongside the angels...".paul harvey story re birds in snow..."if only I could show them I'm a friend..."
*jbap: he quotes woody allen? 4 types of prayer: "ACTS" adoration,contrition? thanksgiving,supplication (petition);
*mark hart,olqa,"we r not angels" (architects didn't include bathrooms) ; how many journalists ? About half.open flames to kids w/ flowing robes,religion orig mean relationship; catholic faith doesn't say be sad; story of maui earthquake
*tom cummings leads music "your love never changes" @ saddleback,11am, doug fields (returns,big applause) (saddleback LA begins on easter @ hollywood high) (showed clip fr "son of god",Jesus raises lazarus,Jesus looks like brad pitt); "eternal life begins today" (ephesians 1.19-20) (if u had a free pass every day to disneyland would u hang out by the entrance only?)
*doc beshore re revelations & finding peter's bones in iraq (he predicts) at which point the vatican must move to iraq (mike says vatican is buying land in iraq)
*re --- @ vigil mass,jbap (he also mentioned 40days4life)
*mental health forum,saddleback
*holy fam cathedral,12p,(freedom of mary to taje her time in responding?)
* re demon bowed down to catholic who had just had eucharist (asian priest,jbap)
* doc beshore & wife lois r on k-bright radio,740am
*be open to all possibilities of god's providence...humility is the only access to god (jbap,new pr)
*cccm,an older carl introduced by brian (guy says hello "ur back here in no man's land") (brian tells his life story: divorced parents,alcoholic dad,boxer "baby face assassin",surfer,oxnard,hunt bch,met chuck smith's daughter? Or a joke? Married cheryl...is that smith's daughter? At 25 barr-epstein syndrome . He started doing junior high ministry at cccm.
*breath of life ch fr ingelwood leading music @ mariners ,kenton sermon: how to resist temptation,...obedience.,"if we r in Christ,satan must practice 'catch-&-release'" (big fly fishing visual aid)
*doc beshore re vatican,peter's bones not peter's bones,et al also re Mesiah in talmud to L.A. jews
*the more we do what Jesus did,the more we will be enabled to do what Jesus did (carl,cccm)
*its "ken" again (the possessive father)...invited "child molestors" & "murderers" to repent right now if any r in the audience..he is so depressing..then like last week he asked people to stand if they needed special prayer..& for people to pray for them..then brian came in wearing shorts
*"I want u to do good to those who can't & won't do anything good 4 u".."anyone who has 2 shirts should give to those who have none" (mariners)
*interim prez of ukraine is a baptist pastor?*he doesn't seem to realize the crimea history ,he thinks the vote will be rigged
*wonders why russia wouldn't go into israel for oil?
*Ezek38 war possible re russia,germany et al?
*Brendan: the offended one should approach the offender rather than vice-versa
Bc the offender holds b the guilt
*basil: power of persistent prayer (lsp)
*jbap: some repetition in prayer is ok (af am priest)
*cccm: ken(?)says he named his son andrew b/c it means "manly"...brings in a guy to give testimony..he's a former cop w/ anger problem..starts talking about communion..misreferences catholic position on eucharist..he doesn't know catholics more than anybody else believe the "cracker" IS the body..apparently he & ken were interns together under brian @ vista,..so this cop now says cal chap believes this IS the body & blood.(ken ? is the guy who told the cong to leave his daughters alone)
*Jbap: Poverty v destitution (poverty without hope...
Destitution:1-Material,2-moral (slavery to vice & sin), & 3-spiritual...turns away fr god, he read popes letter
*mariners sanctuary (kyle zimmerman): re jbap in wilderness ..maybe "socially awkward" after remoteness fr so long....take out your keys..unique....our lives r like a key..forces that create cuts & grooves
*mariners bible study (doc beshore): know-it-all next to me keeps acting like he knows all the answers, "doc" re revelations..re nimrod..criticism of roman catholicism..re paganism roots of some of our Christian holidays..ishtar eggs..even Christmas has pagan roots.,..(yes,this is something I knew,but have "worked around" without cognitive dissonance..."I met my waterloo" (term for being defeated) "big mike anklam": news update (says ukraine will fight to death to avoid becoming a russian territory,but crimea is going to vote on it..let's see what "the people" say there; he notes that 80% of oil that leaves russia goes thru ukraine pipelines)
*crycat:fasting praying..connecting life to bro & sis unfort,re for the poor,lenten season journey 630a
*re contemplative prayer,fasting,.ash wed,omgc
*st tim" christ doesn't walk w us but in front of us..we follow"
*1st cong:once again the pastor (colglazier) mentions hospitality to....ash wed 12:10 service,5-7 reflection,sign attendance folder, wrong bulletin (last weeks) on shelf.."god creates the world thru us ,u ,me..." but tower of babel became their ultimate security..but also their avoidance of god's call to "go"...confusion b/c a gift when we allow it to send us on a "journey"...never stop making choices re the journey..
*precBlood:story of how they changed missions without the money to do so, but people gave them what they needed
*st basil: its okay to be rich but don't attach your life to money...put God 1st above everything re "Seek 1st His Kingdom" (latino priest,730a)
*jbap: marriage is about love not about justice or fairness (asian priest)...marriage is not about how much u love one another but how much u r one with eachother
*it takes a lot of determination to stay close to god & walk away from sin
*cccm: brian bro...seems a bit more upbeat today..
*anniversary of jbap dedication...blonde priest compared the holy templeto church today and said how much mpre so should we respect the atmosphere with proper grooming and dress...well, to a meaningful extent but he also only has to roll out of bed & walk 100yards to church with a robe..while the rest of us must drive to the church,some close others far
*one of the easier commands..to cast your cares on the lord...the devil will try to tell us not to bother god with some trivial thought but in fact God is the only one who can helps us with all our thoughts & needs (jbap,630a,afam priest)
*reality of demons (asian priest,jbap)
*what does the rainbow mean? (Youth pastor,1st cong...big tough guy pastor,paul williams, sings a kids lullaby..what a contrast...luc kleiner on banjo)
*fr frank: re cost of prison per year more than harvard tuition (st basil 730a)
*how could peter bc the rock? Thru humility..what r the keys ? Not to a bmw...but the keys of forgiveness...the church has received these keys..bound & loosed on earth on heaven....& more about the church being built upon "the rock" (ie peter).(marg mary lomita)
*"renewal" in the church, is inner renewal within us...not church renovation (laboure,new priest?)
* follow in footsteps of JC...not just passively pray but get up and actively DO something..true discipleship involves sacrifice,discomfort.. (st james,young priest)
*which is true? "a friend in need is a friend indeed" or "a friend indeed is a friend in need"? Abraham a true friend of god,god a true friend of abraham.ask Jesus to strenghtn our faith so we will be faithful always (laboure,india priest)
*laboure: ask God for clear sight (india)
*finbar: Jesus restores man's sight,but we also have eyes of faith...do we see clearly?
*incarn: r we open to seeing god's plan materialize in our lives? New priest
*basil 12p (priest w sp. Imped, re don't allow anxiety to overwhelm us)
*brendan: "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger"nietschze (fr pat from basil) 8a
*basil630a, (fr frank, re the eucharist)
* human nature to want to idolize..,..we r sinners, we need to eat..(st tim,youngster)
* enjoy the sunset,marvel at the "divine" in everyday life (spa,youngster)
*nervous priest,spa: whoever gets last word wins debate,Jesus often got last word,..beginning of widening of vision of reaching not just jews but gentiles ("the dogs") too,..expand boundaries of love
*Dnay,cccm singer,getting married,going to italy
*Jbap6a,perseverance (,ilwaulee
* funny priest re lourdes,pronounced without "s",like cannes (jbap5p)
*af am priest re fiest day of lourdes
*re st norbert (jbap,guest priest?)
*"call me dave" (cccm,new pastor) he says "too many 'pastors'" here
* doc beshore re hell...not annihilation but eternal torment,story of stealing chicken...(mariners church,9a bible study)...also something about not being able to blaspheme against the holy spirit today..not the way they did then ? Beelzebub (big mike anklam,news update..says syria has only destroyed 5 percent )
*jbap8a: "what's his number?" Re personal & communal prayer (Tall priest)
*"I love u lord my strength" re locusts,asks kids what are they? One said "prison wine" & the priest chuckled; nice singing by kids (finbar,new priest)
*so many think following Jesus is easy..why do they think this? Our #1 symbol is the crucifix...what's required is the humility of david"
(730a,borromeo: white-haired elderly priest)
*finbar: lord our strength (same red priest,walks down aisle,why red? Is he a cardinaal?
*finbar: "Chrst is present here now, He abides in us...even the homeless..." (priest apologized for oversleeping,a few minutes late)
*maurice harrigan re "disrespectful" to wear hat in church. He didn't have his glaring sidekick with him.
*Absalom "pre-figures" prodigal son (good shep,colm)
*victor: blessing of the throats
*Brendan: blessing of the throats
*basil:blessing of the throats (left early)
Good shep: mm, fr tom pleads for 2-way communication.."nice thing re black church..[laughter]..they always say amen"
St tim "david was guilty re bathsheeba's husband, and forgiven..we too r forgiven & can talk to Jesus here.."(elderly priest)
Finbar: guest priest (vincent lopez..wouldn't think he's latino) from monastery of the angels..saw him also at chapel on brea..short guy, talking abt st john bosco hs,says they have a good fb team,always "killed" their school here in L.A.,apparently he grew up here.
*diff btw matt & luke & mark accounts of Jesus,re parables,..hear but don't understand..when Jesus says "repent" he meant change your mind,your value system , the way u see things..the "god dimension" as opposed to simply "be sorry" for misdeeds....purpose of light is to giv light..u have been given light,now u need to enlighten others.. (omgc,8a,elderly priest w. British accent..is this the guy fr st ambrose?he's not a regular priest here,is he?)
*fr harrigan has 9 siblings..his father was an "executive" (of what?) He said picha was in bora, but picha was there (ho tri)
*not so much "what am I going to do" but "what is God doing thru me"? Re parable of the sower..is he saying we're the seed & God controls the soil,sun,water..so we must just "be"? (Zak,incarn)
*hw blessed sac: re sow seeds,good story,boss gave out dead seeds to 3 men,only one returned and honestly said nothing grew (latino priest), b
*st tim,re sowing seed;r u allowing the seed to grow in your soul? Foster virtues lacking...,overcome temptations that lead 2 sin,Lord help us (elderly priest)
*re st francis on rolling stone,err on side of inclusivity
*christ king,re ark of the covenant,allow angels to assist..if doing will of god,ur part of the family of god
*chris at cal chap westgrove: re gentle leadership
*mariners: sex is to create unity,kids r by-product.meant to stay together,binding hearts together; porneia: fantasy,multiple partners,etc. Ur pretty sure the person next to u has lusted. "Your bod is 4 God" ,how to avoid sexual immorality,flee! Satan's strategy 4 breaking marriages is lessening sexuality(martin beshore).
*cccm: Friday?
*jbap5p,re value of catholic schools
*Jbap,8a,asian priest re picking up serpents,re chick-filet,re march4life,;if we have faith we will not b affected by fallacy,more imp re "spiritual serpents"
*strategic times to petition the lord during mass (jbap,calm voice priest)
*brian broderson re strength thru weakness,& his struggle w/ depression & chronic fatigue (2 cor,cal chap,)brian not fond of dogs...that's a cheap shot re "I know how u feel,my dog died ..." that sounded concocted.
*re unborn life (jbap)
*re poetry (black priest,jbap)
*st raymnd,all who r baptized,r anointed
*st pet chanel,"importance of Sunday sabbath"(michigan priest)
*st bernard,bellflower "if u don't correct a sinner when u see the sin,it becomes your sin"
* Jesus image seared into the psyche of western civ (st. Vict,fr jeremiah,5p),most damaging false portray was of Jesus as divine, but not really human
*st basil: re encounter w god 12p
*1st cong: re thomas merton,11a
*church devotes 2 weeks to baptism,orig. Called sac. Of initiation
(precious blood,asian priest
*re nfl teams w/ animal names, yet God named His son a gentle name (lamb,dove (st basil,new priest?)
*re st anthony who gave up all he got and moved to the desert of egypt..2concentrate only on love of god..people b/c curious..many bc hermits; we can do so wo bc hermits but by living life of prayer
St p apost: "Jesus teaches thru actions, mostly healing actions, yet each one is different..
*omgc,young priest: how woman believed having a child was their ultimate purpose in life
*ho tri,fr pecha
*how precious we r to god (fr colm o'ryan,good shep
*importance of self-awareness of sins..(strong homily,st aug,culver
*once a priest,always a priest; once a christian always a christian (st vict.asian priest)
*st pius: touching is healing
*st paul ap, jumpy priest re boat trip lake george? storm approaching.when he was in seminary in wash dc
*"take courage,it is I" borromeo,indian priest
*Re gifts,image of god,gift of life(finbar,guest priest?)
*fr.picha: God observes,empathizes,acts (holy tri)
*we're supposed to simply let god work thru us..just pray...don't nag..they followed Jesus all day...(incarn 5p ,guest priest?)
*its all about love,who God is , God in us,do we love ourselves,how do we share god's love(omgc,young priest)
* incarn (zak) re using our talents
*re LARP (live action role play) mosaic church..we r mission machines."where there is no mission,the people perish..."(proverbs); mission is why the church exists
*St tom apostle,gospel of john collapses in time & space, & we hear anew *reads poem for my true love by john gardiner
"In Jesus we have meaning & purpose..Let Jesus show each one of us where we r now & where he wants us 2 go..." (incarn, fr eugene)
*1)avoid bitterness by seeing the bigger picture2)submit to it (incarn,zak)
*no perfect families ,but holy families yes...we're all attached..we r a family (he fails to make the verbal reference to body of Christ) (finbar)
* responding to fear; with fear? or with faith,hope,& love? (Good shep,guest priest?)
*priest re visiting where jbap was saved from the slaughter of holy innocents..(jbap)
*(Jbap),af-am priest re "apostle of love",beloved apostle,..each of us is moving closer to the day of our death..& we can move faster, not physically, but the "interior man"
Cmas eve @ bel air presb, no bells or whistles to adorn the manger,..I'm an old hockey player..they say we r "as smart as bait"...some just "work buy consume die"..tragedy of christmas is to have the experience but miss the meaning
*"lord has come to take away our disgrace"(st tim)
*finbar:Gift of prayer,of joy,more import than things
*fr gallagher @ borromeo: young couple buys house,fixer-upper but must wait 20 yrs to do so..thus our spiritual life..don't be sour about
*focus on ark of new covt rather than old..vessels of mercy & love
*finbar,young priest,long reading re genealogy
*Materialists mistake that which limits life for life itself"(tolstoy quote,neighb ch,david young) beware of "thingification"
*garrick hanger preaching re holy spirit changes everything (shows pic of him throwing daughter in pool)(rolling hills?)
*"identity precedes duty" (cccm) canning metaphor re being filled w spirit,romanian versus usa passport (speaker,young guy who met brian @ bk in europe,call him "bk guy"
*fr pat,brendan: "the jews knew...these things were/are 4 our lives...cyrus built a highway 4 them...we must make our highways straight"
*fr terry,christ king: "for the kingdom"
*covenant hills (byron going to jordan; 1080 minutes per week)
*brief mention "lost a great leader"(re mandela),(guadalupe,hermosa)(spanish dialect)
*nicholas the wonder worker (santa claus)(cat lab)(african dialect?)
*st paul a,elderly priest,
*fr tom(good shep,bh): re joy "go out & infect somebody" with joy (says he needs 2remember to smile more as well,reminds us that "proselytizing won't bring people to Christ, but attraction (joy) will..."
*re "the good ol' days (st basil), 20 years from now,these will be the good old days
*st victor,pray a bit harder
*holy wave re serpent a symbol of sin
*crist cath "immanuel,if god is w us who cld be against us, wow!
*1st day of advent,why green? New life. Why round? No beginning or end ; 4 candles,
1stcandle=hope,2nd=love,3rd=joy,4th=peace; advent is preparation 2meet the Lord symbolically on dec 25,literally sooner or later,so be prepared.
(blessed sac,wminstr,India priest,is anglo gone ?)
*@st james ,bulletin re san miguel church in watts; priest born on this day,1939,also the day ww2 began
*St law mart, he was in vietnam,re kingdom..in our heart ,heighten our senses, cooperate w...distractions of commercialism,black Friday, journey ..be attentive to the life-giving presence, heard outbreaking inbreaking kingdom..
*john henry irishman & dan sutton @ cal chapel cm (their child grace born in london by big ben)
*not the beautiful building that matters but the beautiful people (fr john higgins,st raymond,talked about trip to europe)
*live in the present; passion tempore?passionate temper? (st cornelius)
*"give glory & eternal praise2God"(spc,haw gard)(michigan priest)
*st joan of arc,poor widow,cath of alexandria,examples for us
*omgc,we are royalty,kings too, but how do we play our part (young priest)
*feast of christ the king...
*all-school mass @ am mart man bch,priest hands out coins
*my house,a house of prayer,...mentions jfk assasination (st cat lab)
*Luke19.11-28, compare to parable of talents
*omgc,6th grade mass, don't hide your light; use your gifts
*learned that the "2 regulars" @ HoTri live right across the street
*yesterday,"blind bart" (bartamaeus),..cried out 2Jesus "Have pity on me" (your faith has made u well,not your need).Zacchaeus climbed sycamore tree..humbld hmself..already had seed of faith?
*st victor,745p,despite paul in house arrest ,he flourished..; peter walking on water..take eyes off Jesus we bgin to sink
*st james 8a,fr aguilar? (He looks asian,not latino)...Jesus said "your faith has made u well" not "your need"...how do we know we have faith? When we think God's thoughts despite the situation.
*caught in the rain (lady from texas;spbts)
*"answer the call"(judy siker,petrs by sea)11a
*"overcome your goliath"(wayfarers)10a
*8a,roll hills covt,(cardboard signs each person overcame a bad situation:obesity,depression,etc
*st cat lab: re st albert the great, re science v faith
*undated @ sta barb mission)
saducees: "they don't believe in the resurrection, that's why their sad u see"
*don't pat yourself on the bck 4 being good,as if u deserve a reward,(sorrows,sb,7a)
* mentioned last rites of sb but "couldn't remember his last name" (sorrows sb, 530p)
*"daily dying" 4 Christ...parents,teachers,1st responders,military (sorrows,sb, 730a)
*st p chanel,re rebuild temple
*ventura mission "if ur baptized ur going to make it...u have to work hard NOT to get to heaven"
*"Listening @ a deeper level"
Lady of sorrows,sb,530p
*"Jesus loved Zaccheus"
Sta barbara mission,4p
*all saints day,our sorrows ch,sta barbara,...this day is about hope,..pathway to sainthood open to all
Mission obispo,when we were baptized,we received the advocate who translates our prayer to god,,,we don't know what to pray for but he does,big mac v salad
10/28 st timothy,morro bay,rev ed holterhoff met pope j paul drooling,Importance of position more than their personal life*st timothy,morro bay
*St lucia,mother mary,episcopalian,letting go of ego, also john & neil? His sister died
*san carlos cath,re "bringing fire" ie passion zeal compassion, nothing can restrain this love,albeit the world will try to stop us, but we mst persevere w passion, divisions will occur naturally,we need not intentionally induce it,simply shine light
*"it is finished" not re death but re "bill paid in full"
*mark hart,olqa,"we r not angels" (architects didn't include bathrooms) ; how many journalists ? About half.open flames to kids w/ flowing robes,religion orig mean relationship; catholic faith doesn't say be sad; story of maui earthquake
*tom cummings leads music "your love never changes" @ saddleback,11am, doug fields (returns,big applause) (saddleback LA begins on easter @ hollywood high) (showed clip fr "son of god",Jesus raises lazarus,Jesus looks like brad pitt); "eternal life begins today" (ephesians 1.19-20) (if u had a free pass every day to disneyland would u hang out by the entrance only?)
*doc beshore re revelations & finding peter's bones in iraq (he predicts) at which point the vatican must move to iraq (mike says vatican is buying land in iraq)
*re --- @ vigil mass,jbap (he also mentioned 40days4life)
*mental health forum,saddleback
*holy fam cathedral,12p,(freedom of mary to taje her time in responding?)
* re demon bowed down to catholic who had just had eucharist (asian priest,jbap)
* doc beshore & wife lois r on k-bright radio,740am
*be open to all possibilities of god's providence...humility is the only access to god (jbap,new pr)
*cccm,an older carl introduced by brian (guy says hello "ur back here in no man's land") (brian tells his life story: divorced parents,alcoholic dad,boxer "baby face assassin",surfer,oxnard,hunt bch,met chuck smith's daughter? Or a joke? Married cheryl...is that smith's daughter? At 25 barr-epstein syndrome . He started doing junior high ministry at cccm.
*breath of life ch fr ingelwood leading music @ mariners ,kenton sermon: how to resist temptation,...obedience.,"if we r in Christ,satan must practice 'catch-&-release'" (big fly fishing visual aid)
*doc beshore re vatican,peter's bones not peter's bones,et al also re Mesiah in talmud to L.A. jews
*the more we do what Jesus did,the more we will be enabled to do what Jesus did (carl,cccm)
*its "ken" again (the possessive father)...invited "child molestors" & "murderers" to repent right now if any r in the audience..he is so depressing..then like last week he asked people to stand if they needed special prayer..& for people to pray for them..then brian came in wearing shorts
*"I want u to do good to those who can't & won't do anything good 4 u".."anyone who has 2 shirts should give to those who have none" (mariners)
*interim prez of ukraine is a baptist pastor?*he doesn't seem to realize the crimea history ,he thinks the vote will be rigged
*wonders why russia wouldn't go into israel for oil?
*Ezek38 war possible re russia,germany et al?
*Brendan: the offended one should approach the offender rather than vice-versa
Bc the offender holds b the guilt
*basil: power of persistent prayer (lsp)
*jbap: some repetition in prayer is ok (af am priest)
*cccm: ken(?)says he named his son andrew b/c it means "manly"...brings in a guy to give testimony..he's a former cop w/ anger problem..starts talking about communion..misreferences catholic position on eucharist..he doesn't know catholics more than anybody else believe the "cracker" IS the body..apparently he & ken were interns together under brian @ vista,..so this cop now says cal chap believes this IS the body & blood.(ken ? is the guy who told the cong to leave his daughters alone)
*Jbap: Poverty v destitution (poverty without hope...
Destitution:1-Material,2-moral (slavery to vice & sin), & 3-spiritual...turns away fr god, he read popes letter
*mariners sanctuary (kyle zimmerman): re jbap in wilderness ..maybe "socially awkward" after remoteness fr so long....take out your keys..unique....our lives r like a key..forces that create cuts & grooves
*mariners bible study (doc beshore): know-it-all next to me keeps acting like he knows all the answers, "doc" re revelations..re nimrod..criticism of roman catholicism..re paganism roots of some of our Christian holidays..ishtar eggs..even Christmas has pagan roots.,..(yes,this is something I knew,but have "worked around" without cognitive dissonance..."I met my waterloo" (term for being defeated) "big mike anklam": news update (says ukraine will fight to death to avoid becoming a russian territory,but crimea is going to vote on it..let's see what "the people" say there; he notes that 80% of oil that leaves russia goes thru ukraine pipelines)
*crycat:fasting praying..connecting life to bro & sis unfort,re for the poor,lenten season journey 630a
*re contemplative prayer,fasting,.ash wed,omgc
*st tim" christ doesn't walk w us but in front of us..we follow"
*1st cong:once again the pastor (colglazier) mentions hospitality to....ash wed 12:10 service,5-7 reflection,sign attendance folder, wrong bulletin (last weeks) on shelf.."god creates the world thru us ,u ,me..." but tower of babel became their ultimate security..but also their avoidance of god's call to "go"...confusion b/c a gift when we allow it to send us on a "journey"...never stop making choices re the journey..
*precBlood:story of how they changed missions without the money to do so, but people gave them what they needed
*st basil: its okay to be rich but don't attach your life to money...put God 1st above everything re "Seek 1st His Kingdom" (latino priest,730a)
*jbap: marriage is about love not about justice or fairness (asian priest)...marriage is not about how much u love one another but how much u r one with eachother
*it takes a lot of determination to stay close to god & walk away from sin
*cccm: brian bro...seems a bit more upbeat today..
*anniversary of jbap dedication...blonde priest compared the holy templeto church today and said how much mpre so should we respect the atmosphere with proper grooming and dress...well, to a meaningful extent but he also only has to roll out of bed & walk 100yards to church with a robe..while the rest of us must drive to the church,some close others far
*one of the easier commands..to cast your cares on the lord...the devil will try to tell us not to bother god with some trivial thought but in fact God is the only one who can helps us with all our thoughts & needs (jbap,630a,afam priest)
*reality of demons (asian priest,jbap)
*what does the rainbow mean? (Youth pastor,1st cong...big tough guy pastor,paul williams, sings a kids lullaby..what a contrast...luc kleiner on banjo)
*fr frank: re cost of prison per year more than harvard tuition (st basil 730a)
*how could peter bc the rock? Thru humility..what r the keys ? Not to a bmw...but the keys of forgiveness...the church has received these keys..bound & loosed on earth on heaven....& more about the church being built upon "the rock" (ie peter).(marg mary lomita)
*"renewal" in the church, is inner renewal within us...not church renovation (laboure,new priest?)
* follow in footsteps of JC...not just passively pray but get up and actively DO something..true discipleship involves sacrifice,discomfort.. (st james,young priest)
*which is true? "a friend in need is a friend indeed" or "a friend indeed is a friend in need"? Abraham a true friend of god,god a true friend of abraham.ask Jesus to strenghtn our faith so we will be faithful always (laboure,india priest)
*laboure: ask God for clear sight (india)
*finbar: Jesus restores man's sight,but we also have eyes of faith...do we see clearly?
*incarn: r we open to seeing god's plan materialize in our lives? New priest
*basil 12p (priest w sp. Imped, re don't allow anxiety to overwhelm us)
*brendan: "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger"nietschze (fr pat from basil) 8a
*basil630a, (fr frank, re the eucharist)
* human nature to want to idolize..,..we r sinners, we need to eat..(st tim,youngster)
* enjoy the sunset,marvel at the "divine" in everyday life (spa,youngster)
*nervous priest,spa: whoever gets last word wins debate,Jesus often got last word,..beginning of widening of vision of reaching not just jews but gentiles ("the dogs") too,..expand boundaries of love
*Dnay,cccm singer,getting married,going to italy
*Jbap6a,perseverance (,ilwaulee
* funny priest re lourdes,pronounced without "s",like cannes (jbap5p)
*af am priest re fiest day of lourdes
*re st norbert (jbap,guest priest?)
*"call me dave" (cccm,new pastor) he says "too many 'pastors'" here
* doc beshore re hell...not annihilation but eternal torment,story of stealing chicken...(mariners church,9a bible study)...also something about not being able to blaspheme against the holy spirit today..not the way they did then ? Beelzebub (big mike anklam,news update..says syria has only destroyed 5 percent )
*jbap8a: "what's his number?" Re personal & communal prayer (Tall priest)
*"I love u lord my strength" re locusts,asks kids what are they? One said "prison wine" & the priest chuckled; nice singing by kids (finbar,new priest)
*so many think following Jesus is easy..why do they think this? Our #1 symbol is the crucifix...what's required is the humility of david"
(730a,borromeo: white-haired elderly priest)
*finbar: lord our strength (same red priest,walks down aisle,why red? Is he a cardinaal?
*finbar: "Chrst is present here now, He abides in us...even the homeless..." (priest apologized for oversleeping,a few minutes late)
*maurice harrigan re "disrespectful" to wear hat in church. He didn't have his glaring sidekick with him.
*Absalom "pre-figures" prodigal son (good shep,colm)
*victor: blessing of the throats
*Brendan: blessing of the throats
*basil:blessing of the throats (left early)
Good shep: mm, fr tom pleads for 2-way communication.."nice thing re black church..[laughter]..they always say amen"
St tim "david was guilty re bathsheeba's husband, and forgiven..we too r forgiven & can talk to Jesus here.."(elderly priest)
Finbar: guest priest (vincent lopez..wouldn't think he's latino) from monastery of the angels..saw him also at chapel on brea..short guy, talking abt st john bosco hs,says they have a good fb team,always "killed" their school here in L.A.,apparently he grew up here.
*diff btw matt & luke & mark accounts of Jesus,re parables,..hear but don't understand..when Jesus says "repent" he meant change your mind,your value system , the way u see things..the "god dimension" as opposed to simply "be sorry" for misdeeds....purpose of light is to giv light..u have been given light,now u need to enlighten others.. (omgc,8a,elderly priest w. British accent..is this the guy fr st ambrose?he's not a regular priest here,is he?)
*fr harrigan has 9 siblings..his father was an "executive" (of what?) He said picha was in bora, but picha was there (ho tri)
*not so much "what am I going to do" but "what is God doing thru me"? Re parable of the sower..is he saying we're the seed & God controls the soil,sun,water..so we must just "be"? (Zak,incarn)
*hw blessed sac: re sow seeds,good story,boss gave out dead seeds to 3 men,only one returned and honestly said nothing grew (latino priest), b
*st tim,re sowing seed;r u allowing the seed to grow in your soul? Foster virtues lacking...,overcome temptations that lead 2 sin,Lord help us (elderly priest)
*re st francis on rolling stone,err on side of inclusivity
*christ king,re ark of the covenant,allow angels to assist..if doing will of god,ur part of the family of god
*chris at cal chap westgrove: re gentle leadership
*mariners: sex is to create unity,kids r by-product.meant to stay together,binding hearts together; porneia: fantasy,multiple partners,etc. Ur pretty sure the person next to u has lusted. "Your bod is 4 God" ,how to avoid sexual immorality,flee! Satan's strategy 4 breaking marriages is lessening sexuality(martin beshore).
*cccm: Friday?
*jbap5p,re value of catholic schools
*Jbap,8a,asian priest re picking up serpents,re chick-filet,re march4life,;if we have faith we will not b affected by fallacy,more imp re "spiritual serpents"
*strategic times to petition the lord during mass (jbap,calm voice priest)
*brian broderson re strength thru weakness,& his struggle w/ depression & chronic fatigue (2 cor,cal chap,)brian not fond of dogs...that's a cheap shot re "I know how u feel,my dog died ..." that sounded concocted.
*re unborn life (jbap)
*re poetry (black priest,jbap)
*st raymnd,all who r baptized,r anointed
*st pet chanel,"importance of Sunday sabbath"(michigan priest)
*st bernard,bellflower "if u don't correct a sinner when u see the sin,it becomes your sin"
* Jesus image seared into the psyche of western civ (st. Vict,fr jeremiah,5p),most damaging false portray was of Jesus as divine, but not really human
*st basil: re encounter w god 12p
*1st cong: re thomas merton,11a
*church devotes 2 weeks to baptism,orig. Called sac. Of initiation
(precious blood,asian priest
*re nfl teams w/ animal names, yet God named His son a gentle name (lamb,dove (st basil,new priest?)
*re st anthony who gave up all he got and moved to the desert of egypt..2concentrate only on love of god..people b/c curious..many bc hermits; we can do so wo bc hermits but by living life of prayer
St p apost: "Jesus teaches thru actions, mostly healing actions, yet each one is different..
*omgc,young priest: how woman believed having a child was their ultimate purpose in life
*ho tri,fr pecha
*how precious we r to god (fr colm o'ryan,good shep
*importance of self-awareness of sins..(strong homily,st aug,culver
*once a priest,always a priest; once a christian always a christian (st vict.asian priest)
*st pius: touching is healing
*st paul ap, jumpy priest re boat trip lake george? storm approaching.when he was in seminary in wash dc
*"take courage,it is I" borromeo,indian priest
*Re gifts,image of god,gift of life(finbar,guest priest?)
*fr.picha: God observes,empathizes,acts (holy tri)
*we're supposed to simply let god work thru us..just pray...don't nag..they followed Jesus all day...(incarn 5p ,guest priest?)
*its all about love,who God is , God in us,do we love ourselves,how do we share god's love(omgc,young priest)
* incarn (zak) re using our talents
*re LARP (live action role play) mosaic church..we r mission machines."where there is no mission,the people perish..."(proverbs); mission is why the church exists
*St tom apostle,gospel of john collapses in time & space, & we hear anew *reads poem for my true love by john gardiner
"In Jesus we have meaning & purpose..Let Jesus show each one of us where we r now & where he wants us 2 go..." (incarn, fr eugene)
*1)avoid bitterness by seeing the bigger picture2)submit to it (incarn,zak)
*no perfect families ,but holy families yes...we're all attached..we r a family (he fails to make the verbal reference to body of Christ) (finbar)
* responding to fear; with fear? or with faith,hope,& love? (Good shep,guest priest?)
*priest re visiting where jbap was saved from the slaughter of holy innocents..(jbap)
*(Jbap),af-am priest re "apostle of love",beloved apostle,..each of us is moving closer to the day of our death..& we can move faster, not physically, but the "interior man"
Cmas eve @ bel air presb, no bells or whistles to adorn the manger,..I'm an old hockey player..they say we r "as smart as bait"...some just "work buy consume die"..tragedy of christmas is to have the experience but miss the meaning
*"lord has come to take away our disgrace"(st tim)
*finbar:Gift of prayer,of joy,more import than things
*fr gallagher @ borromeo: young couple buys house,fixer-upper but must wait 20 yrs to do so..thus our spiritual life..don't be sour about
*focus on ark of new covt rather than old..vessels of mercy & love
*finbar,young priest,long reading re genealogy
*Materialists mistake that which limits life for life itself"(tolstoy quote,neighb ch,david young) beware of "thingification"
*garrick hanger preaching re holy spirit changes everything (shows pic of him throwing daughter in pool)(rolling hills?)
*"identity precedes duty" (cccm) canning metaphor re being filled w spirit,romanian versus usa passport (speaker,young guy who met brian @ bk in europe,call him "bk guy"
*fr pat,brendan: "the jews knew...these things were/are 4 our lives...cyrus built a highway 4 them...we must make our highways straight"
*fr terry,christ king: "for the kingdom"
*covenant hills (byron going to jordan; 1080 minutes per week)
*brief mention "lost a great leader"(re mandela),(guadalupe,hermosa)(spanish dialect)
*nicholas the wonder worker (santa claus)(cat lab)(african dialect?)
*st paul a,elderly priest,
*fr tom(good shep,bh): re joy "go out & infect somebody" with joy (says he needs 2remember to smile more as well,reminds us that "proselytizing won't bring people to Christ, but attraction (joy) will..."
*re "the good ol' days (st basil), 20 years from now,these will be the good old days
*st victor,pray a bit harder
*holy wave re serpent a symbol of sin
*crist cath "immanuel,if god is w us who cld be against us, wow!
*1st day of advent,why green? New life. Why round? No beginning or end ; 4 candles,
1stcandle=hope,2nd=love,3rd=joy,4th=peace; advent is preparation 2meet the Lord symbolically on dec 25,literally sooner or later,so be prepared.
(blessed sac,wminstr,India priest,is anglo gone ?)
*@st james ,bulletin re san miguel church in watts; priest born on this day,1939,also the day ww2 began
*St law mart, he was in vietnam,re kingdom..in our heart ,heighten our senses, cooperate w...distractions of commercialism,black Friday, journey ..be attentive to the life-giving presence, heard outbreaking inbreaking kingdom..
*john henry irishman & dan sutton @ cal chapel cm (their child grace born in london by big ben)
*not the beautiful building that matters but the beautiful people (fr john higgins,st raymond,talked about trip to europe)
*live in the present; passion tempore?passionate temper? (st cornelius)
*"give glory & eternal praise2God"(spc,haw gard)(michigan priest)
*st joan of arc,poor widow,cath of alexandria,examples for us
*omgc,we are royalty,kings too, but how do we play our part (young priest)
*feast of christ the king...
*all-school mass @ am mart man bch,priest hands out coins
*my house,a house of prayer,...mentions jfk assasination (st cat lab)
*Luke19.11-28, compare to parable of talents
*omgc,6th grade mass, don't hide your light; use your gifts
*learned that the "2 regulars" @ HoTri live right across the street
*yesterday,"blind bart" (bartamaeus),..cried out 2Jesus "Have pity on me" (your faith has made u well,not your need).Zacchaeus climbed sycamore tree..humbld hmself..already had seed of faith?
*st victor,745p,despite paul in house arrest ,he flourished..; peter walking on water..take eyes off Jesus we bgin to sink
*st james 8a,fr aguilar? (He looks asian,not latino)...Jesus said "your faith has made u well" not "your need"...how do we know we have faith? When we think God's thoughts despite the situation.
*caught in the rain (lady from texas;spbts)
*"answer the call"(judy siker,petrs by sea)11a
*"overcome your goliath"(wayfarers)10a
*8a,roll hills covt,(cardboard signs each person overcame a bad situation:obesity,depression,etc
*st cat lab: re st albert the great, re science v faith
*undated @ sta barb mission)
saducees: "they don't believe in the resurrection, that's why their sad u see"
*don't pat yourself on the bck 4 being good,as if u deserve a reward,(sorrows,sb,7a)
* mentioned last rites of sb but "couldn't remember his last name" (sorrows sb, 530p)
*"daily dying" 4 Christ...parents,teachers,1st responders,military (sorrows,sb, 730a)
*st p chanel,re rebuild temple
*ventura mission "if ur baptized ur going to make it...u have to work hard NOT to get to heaven"
*"Listening @ a deeper level"
Lady of sorrows,sb,530p
*"Jesus loved Zaccheus"
Sta barbara mission,4p
*all saints day,our sorrows ch,sta barbara,...this day is about hope,..pathway to sainthood open to all
Mission obispo,when we were baptized,we received the advocate who translates our prayer to god,,,we don't know what to pray for but he does,big mac v salad
10/28 st timothy,morro bay,rev ed holterhoff met pope j paul drooling,Importance of position more than their personal life*st timothy,morro bay
*St lucia,mother mary,episcopalian,letting go of ego, also john & neil? His sister died
*san carlos cath,re "bringing fire" ie passion zeal compassion, nothing can restrain this love,albeit the world will try to stop us, but we mst persevere w passion, divisions will occur naturally,we need not intentionally induce it,simply shine light
*"it is finished" not re death but re "bill paid in full"
holy cross chapel,santa
St carlos cathedral:
"Widow" in hebrew meant "the silent one"..they had no voice or power (re persistent prayer,judge,et al)
Carmel mission,persistent prayer,
good song: "go make a difference"
*st angela merici,stand up 4 our faith
*remembering st luke,mont bay cathedral
*Sta cruz mission chapel
"True test of worship is how we tend to the needy"
holy cross,sta cruz ,love fr heart,not just dutybound.
St marg mary oakland, understanding of mother mary tells everything
*sacred heart,work of the lord versus lord of the work
*sacred heart,sacramento: re "openness to god"
*st rose,730a,re st francis talking 2 a wolf
*st rose,santa rosa,12p: we r on earth to please god, to do god's will
*childlike means be dependent, not naively innocent,lady carmel mill vall
*message hasn't gotten thru 2some when they think its "not fair" for a "visitor" to join in the church bbq w the "regulars"
St carlos cathedral:
"Widow" in hebrew meant "the silent one"..they had no voice or power (re persistent prayer,judge,et al)
Carmel mission,persistent prayer,
good song: "go make a difference"
*st angela merici,stand up 4 our faith
*remembering st luke,mont bay cathedral
*Sta cruz mission chapel
"True test of worship is how we tend to the needy"
holy cross,sta cruz ,love fr heart,not just dutybound.
St marg mary oakland, understanding of mother mary tells everything
*sacred heart,work of the lord versus lord of the work
*sacred heart,sacramento: re "openness to god"
*st rose,730a,re st francis talking 2 a wolf
*st rose,santa rosa,12p: we r on earth to please god, to do god's will
*childlike means be dependent, not naively innocent,lady carmel mill vall
*message hasn't gotten thru 2some when they think its "not fair" for a "visitor" to join in the church bbq w the "regulars"
FESTIVAL,ST IGNATIUS,SAN FRANCISCO, ....annual bbq,...they also have a
beautiful easter celebration...I always make a point of visiting here &
attending mass when I'm in san francisco,but some legalist gal in line,so I
*let us have strength to follow god
*9/27 NOTRES DAMES SF re discerning gods will,twilabd,compassion (parking on hill)
*st peter paul8a, our christology controls our life,JESUS messiah & suffering servant
*St dom 8a, bully in the pew growled
*St dominic 630a
"We r a soul,we have a body"
*re padre pio,borromeo ch,san diego
*rock church,video of pastor miles re nailing our concerns to the cross
*samoan ch,pifa,love one another,samoan preacher,theme of island drums keeping beat as god's word keeps the beat for us
*mariners ch,kyle zimmerman preaching (same young man as 1st time); now kenton beshore comes on (the sr pastor),message re body of Christ
*holy nm of Jesus,...re pope francis calling 4 the church 2b mor merciful; he also likes dave ramsey re money
*calv chapel,asian guy ,anecdote re using roadkill instead of his best animal as temple sacrifice..he thinks its an example of not giving all to God, but this is not true..b/c Jesus abolished all the animal sacrifices
*olqa re pope francis re atheists can be saved
*re "wisdom is vindicated by all her children" ie listen to god
*re "plank eye", olqa
*lady of assumpt,clrmnt "to love enemies,need to nurture love of god"
* olqa,klunk,"we r the body of christ..we suffer for the whole body".
*jbap,memorial st peter claiborne...missionary to the slaves...called himseld "slave of the slaves forever"
*law mart, "must hate mother father"..as Jesus "hated" self ..ie had to deny self (be crucified) to give life…
*riviera umc, "things keep changing"
Note: I've picked up on a significant deficiency in understanding of "Jesus Christ" in the church,in general..primarily that the church tends to preach about the "historical Jesus" more than the current "Body of Christ"..more about "He" than "we", and more about "when He returns" than "when we return", because when ;He returns it will be,in fact, "when we return" at least in terms of those who have already died & gone to heaven & then those who are still alive & are believers...will merge with the heavenly body of Christ into one complete body...but right now WE on earth who believe are the earthly body of Christ and have,or should hav the power of Christ..if we r truly united & believing
8a st james,"cast your net on the other side", peter had humility & did so..we miss out bc we limit what god can do..go deeper in spiritual life,god's ways not your ways..jesus reminds peter..re purpose on earth..by virtue of baptism...to disciple others..ever opp & conv. Invite people back to church, ..meaning for us to go ouit & invite others..
*sjf re gratitude
*st james, "in time of israel thy believed all bad things were due to demons..compared to today...modern world doesn't even believe demons exist...yet hatred,anxiety,hopelessness,,,comes from the evil one..the enemy wants us to dwell on it..when give in to hopelessness & doubt..allows enemy 2b in control...Jesus many times "I have come to bring joy..peace.."(hmm what about "not peace but a sword"..) even the devil believes in god..what we need is to...on a daily basis cast out these negatives...once u learn to play like that...then god &b the angels will..
*st matthew,l beach "humble self,be raised up"mcnulty? Guest priest,re brother a retired doc, hip surgery,complications,,humbled him
*re 10 virgins,..we wamt to blv that god is like a loving 2nd grade teacher..5 brought oil..5 others excuses...
*st. Marg mary,priest arrived @ 815am,..did they change mass time? Re jbap precursor to Jesus,
*sjf, re memories, ,word should dwell within us..re actor who memorized the book of mark
*cc630a,latino priest:danger of making institutions more imp than the people, ..he's praying for pope francis to make a big diff in this regard
*pastor galand sareno & daughters,tiki festival
*some don't want a ministry, they want a platform
*don't just study the steps of god,study the stops
*jm,"when we cater to the flesh there will be a bill"
*re being "saved" but not in the spirit,being carnal, ..she used to gossip re her pastor
*offering,100% for poor in africa
*Mike baptizes us in the holy spirit @ joyce meyer conf
*fr zak @ incarn after BIAM
*lady mt carmel,near safari park: import of "queen-mother"
*borromeo ch: parable of the workers,...motive behind the work as imp as the work itself...Jesus calls us to join Him in His work for the sake of company,to build relationships..what motivates our contrib. To the kingdom?
*st pat
*st mary mag,sd,"to what things do I cling..that prevents me from..."
*rock church,jokes that even the Bible can be used for pickup line "yesterday I was reading the book of #"s, realized I didn't have yours"; "whatever u recognize,u b/c thankful 4"
(dr. Dave martin, lots of jokes,tongue-in-cheek),..I gave $100 to sb @ taco bell..me a big bald angel, giving back,
*Mary star, la jolla , live a good life,not a lie,be enthusiastic,...
*st joseph cath,"have confidence in god to do the right thing,..spiritual maturity,,,truly believe god loves us unconditionally..see & hear with the eyes of Christ
*we don't become happy by trying to be happy;mary is not a goddess but an example of human perfection(?)
*st marg mary (lomita) 630a re assumption of mary, mentions oscar de la hoya paying tribute to his mother at olympic boxing match
*sjf 5p korean priest (arrived late), then I went to malaga concert
*sjf 8a african priest,we r 2b a "community of love", try to reconcile,..
*Sjf 8a guest priest (irish?) Re how precious we all r to god
*mariners ch: "for the joy ...he endured the cross..."heb 12.2
Jbap 8a "....re grain of wheat must die...esp relevant re st. Lawrence...patron of the poor et al, lawrence's generosity, .."if u had $2000 would u give me half ? Yes, 2 shirts ? No, bc I've got 2 shrts..lawrence would have given the shirt off his back..(Lord, help me to be more generous in spirit, less judgmental, quick to smile & laugh & show graciousness, ) .homily cont: ..re generosity ...lawrence was burned at the stake...even so he jested "turn me over, this side is done"...he was a grain of wheat that died
*jbap,moses & israel in wilderness,..compare to marriage journey
*jbap: faith makes impossible see, possible
*transfig re prayer, confrontation,communication..clarity, leads to joy peace radians, .....why don't we exp this ? Lack silence,solitude & submission
*st finbar, feast of transfigurtion, our future,gods plan for each of us,...this happens right bf he enters jerusalem,..mt tabor, "u r my beloved son..." in our journey of faith,smtms the cross gets heavy..tempt to despair..
*good shep, "do we pray more 4 what we lack or thanking god 4 what we have"? ..change our approach to prayer,,,each time we ask god 4 something, could also thank Him 4 what we have..[ why not just twilaBd?]
*st timothy, rise above our emotions to help others even in time of difficulty as did Jesus feed the masses
?Luke 12.13-21 "christ all in all"?
[*personal thought re the damage done by those who demand "tolerance" for things unholy, incomplete,less×than-perfect]
*st peters by sea, "where were u yest @ 3pm" (chuck hunt), nate feldmeth message ("nis dominus frusta"(futility wo god) (I remember him from fuller sem, he taught church history)
*wayfarers re "storing up treasure
*Rolling hills covt, how do we share god? Spain Train wreck ,"distracted"
*new sjf priest from uganda (adjacent to kenya to the west)
Jbap630a (af am priest) "we ask that we can share same delight...in sacrament, imp. Prayer take pleasure delight joy in gift god has given us..sacrifice of mass greatest gift..receive it in context of meal celebr...aquinas says it is impossib to live wo delight..if we lose joy of soul as motiv factor, we lose desire to live,..god wants our love & delight to be in things that never fail, that are eternal, relish gifts god gives from on high, ...
*jbap630a: cloud led moses,,,constant reminder of god's presence..he would protect & defend & lov them..same in new covt...we have the true tabernacle,Jesus Christ, we r 2b mindful of god's presence among us, & share this good news..choices 2 make, that allows us to be "in god's grace" or not, ..at the end there will be a separation of the two, ...lord asks us .."do we understnd?" What it means 2b truly wise. Church celeb st alphonso liguori,..lawyer bf priest, esp known for moral theology , discernment of right/wrong,..
*st raymond,surrender to god's word
*jbap530p re picking grain on sabbath "pharisees dead wrong bc they judged wo mercy
*jbap630a re the sabbath,apostles bc priests & bishops @ last supper,paschal meal,comm exodus fr egypt,.as priests can work on sabbath,not violate it.pharisees were dead wrong,deadly conseq.,execute innocent man,Jesus,..how could be so wrong in judgment..smtms conseq so dire, lord urges us to avoid mistake in judgment..not rush to jdgmnt, try to be merciful,generous..take lesson to heart,practicr daily..when smthng not right,not pleased w ..make jdgmnt w mercy, benefit of doubt..wary of erroneous jdgment
*omgc, "last 2 years I was in afghanistan..also bless sac in hw, bf in nepal, ..(new priest? Ireneo paredes?)..didn't want to go to afghan but did
*monstry angels,"Become inward signs of the bright white upward signs,...making god more fully known more loved
*ho tri,re scapulas,miracles happen w faith,fr peacha
*re feast of st benedict,contemplative life also a testimony
*St jbap,[mm,bow-legged vietnamese lady]God turning the thinking of the hebrews upside down..god has given us many ironic teachings..new test too, ..esp allowing Jesus to be born as a helpless infant..who would teach us to love enemies,..first to be last..many more..most aston. This god died so we may live..infinite power & influence...for those who admit we have no power at all..we r earthen vessels, ..dust of earth..treasure enclosed..frail mortality..irony, eternal life itself held ...those who regard own lives as nothing, spend all attention to spreading life..martyrs..who we celebr ..they were captured by calvinists of netherlands..they bravely defended the eucharist..17(?)..died by hanging at hands of calvinists? [Double-check] ..victory god gives to martyrs is heaven itself..17 new souls that day..[apparently true,see http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_of_Gorkum ]
*olqa pm,fr kerry "lord calms the storms"
*olqa guest pastor(?) ...in a few days..celebrate 4th of july..red w blue..celebrate happiness..a task to be happy..alternatively..worry & fear..today in the reading "seismos"..the apostles were shaken to the core..called to happiness, but could be taken away so quickly..undrstand presence of god in our lives..most common expression by Jesus is "be not afraid" (really?)
*final cc service,..bobby comparing cc to israelites following the pillar of fire..to be "on the move" and not "in a rut"..we go where Jesus goes.."robert coen schuller"? That's their baby?.."too many roberts"..started to pray w Jesus walking in front of me..like to walk when I pray "at the ranch"..."...spiritual fruits,not religious nuts"..tired of "lasts",ready for some 1sts"
*olqa,vietnamese priest re not cutting people off on freeway (cheap homily)
*old-time priest from monastery (victor lopez) filling in at vibiana: homily re moderation when taking care of pets, mentioned cardinal manning many years ago (there's a big lapd deal outside at the moment;chase)
*holy wave, kuni onishi,...re salt of the earth, Jesus calls us to impact the earth, and calls us to be seen,..salt was important to the people back then,as a preservative and even as fertilizer,..Jesus adds "city on hill"..who would build a city on a hill? Some have houses up high,want to show off..but in fact Jesus wants us to display our perfection as Christians..we're going to talk about spiritual warfare,..ever notice..try to do good things, always have 2nd thoughts..at a chevron,,,saw man coming..I knew he was homeless..thought maybe I should give $,pray w him,talk,..I have an ungodly uncle..all others are missionaries,pastors,seminary students..when we have a holiday..his language attitude..not holy,making me uncomfortabl..see him only at family occasions, but god always brings him to me in prayer,..don't want to go to him...don't want to go deep w him..don't judge me..some of u also w mothr in law etc...he is crying out 4 help..in his terms,bad language..all of our family..we're all priests..don't go deep w him..keep telling him what not to do..he tells us we're hypocrites..hang out only w holy people..but you're supposed to go out & save people like me..but I didn't know how to be love 2 him..
*/.."resurrection that gives ...hope..[he reminisced on a year ago..says the music was "terrible"..but this is not to be self-serving] ..death & ressurection..the whole theme of the new test..kill 1 martyr & 1000 others will spring up,..[his repetition of "me","my", et al..hmm]always requires faith..when in the midst of persecution hardship hard to trust the paschal mystery[pm]...the pm deals w death in a way the world doesn't ..fulton sheen says "can't have easter w/o good Friday"...I've lost 3 cats to coyotes..winter bf spring..eat bread..comes from grain..I have a seed in my pocket,,nobody knows the seed unless it dies in the ground..it will remain only a seed..if it dies it becomes many seeds...wiseman..anybody can count the seeds in an apple but only god can count the apples in a seed..but the seed must dies..requisite of life,real life,loss,,change in relationships,jobs,,I wrote in my journal...how do we respond to these deaths..either rescuscitation or resurrection..lazarus was rescuscitated..lazarus died again..but Jesus was ressurected..when we face loss sometimes we try to grip on & pretend it is still there..that's not what we r supposed to do, but we r to mourn & weep, not pretend..and remember something greater is coming, as believers we r to embrace death..example,,romans 6...we r to die to sin to come alive..there is a mourning as we change, as become better, remember testimony girl become christian..she had to give up marijuana..she remembered sitting around w friends..how they came together..but she now experienced a healthier way 2 commune w friends...any change u make in life..there is a season..sense of power, have 2 let go of that..sadness w lose of sense of power, but then u realize it is better this way..to become adult..have to die to being a kid..40 days to mourn..that's the rule..now I go to rancho cap every friday..that's where I grew up..saw it fall apart...but we r to be the salt..hav u ever had salt w no taste..thats like us not being fully who we r,..Jesus says we can impact the world..I created u,..u r very unique..why doubt yourself,need 2 hear from the lord,..and those w troubles..they r more than their addiction..we r to live out who we r created 4,..whatever he says, we cannot argue,..he knows who we r,..
*6/23/13 BOBBY SCHULLER, CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL preaching re the "paschal mystery" at the 2nd2LastService (ie penultimate),...next week is the last service @ crystal cathedral...bobby is the grandson of the founder of the crystal cathedral,..they are moving to a smaller church down the street and the catholic church is moving in to the crystal cathedral (at which point it will be called the "Christ Cathedral"..
*crystal cathedral, .."offices r empty..grandpa's office..needed quieter place..3rd floor..where my office is..empty..sitting on a box..no chair..finishing touches on sermon about loss.,..feel it around nme..bits of paper on the ground..pens,plants,lamp...see the loss of what were going thru as an organizaation..but where were going..nicer office..end of worshipping in beautiful bldg...loss is never the end..on other side resurrection..
*omgc, how to bc better at something..practice, golf driving range example,,likewise the judaizers..kept doing what they didn't have to do anymore..new law,..work on these new laws, ..love god w all heart mind body soul, neighbor as self, love is relational, ..love god differently than love pizza
*at holy trinity, fr peacha re catholic doctrine,listening to kkla,people posting tracts wo permission
*st jbap, the problem of the western world living for this world only...re "when u pray go into your room..", ...modern world subordinates spirituality
*good shep BH, re woman who bathes Jesus' feet in her tears..Q: "great love" because her sins r forgiven, or sins forgiven b/c of her great love? Parallel with the parable of the debtor..the one who has larger debt forgiven loves the creditor more...thus forgiveness happens 1st, Love is the response. My thought: that this makes another point for the case of trying to convince others they are sinners...those who think they r sinless have less love, or feel less love.
*spc"Forgiven but must also make expiation 4 sins..."
*st. Irenaeus,"always sb who feels they don't belong at church amongst "holy",...they feel sinful; that's exactly who should be here..who should feel welcome
*st bernard, if a clay pot falls it shatters, cannot be glued back together..also clay comesfrom earth..our dependence on earth..but when we die our bodies also decay, but we still live on as souls; also a pot doesn't become arrogant if it is more beautiful than others..but the glory goes to the creator
*st raymond, the word "hate" is so ugly..also "f word", really an ugly word,be careful about what we say, ...also today re '"lust"..(for money,power,sex)...Jesus was like us in all things except sin, ; need to have the HEART of Jesus
*st corn,guest priest,re "7 wonders of the world"panama canal,empire st bldg,grand canyon,taj mahal,rome st peter bsilica,great wall";;
*spc,hard2understand: Jesus defends dignity of women ...et al..we must cut off sin,moral use of technology? [How did he make the connection?]
*let us have strength to follow god
*9/27 NOTRES DAMES SF re discerning gods will,twilabd,compassion (parking on hill)
*st peter paul8a, our christology controls our life,JESUS messiah & suffering servant
*St dom 8a, bully in the pew growled
*St dominic 630a
"We r a soul,we have a body"
*re padre pio,borromeo ch,san diego
*rock church,video of pastor miles re nailing our concerns to the cross
*samoan ch,pifa,love one another,samoan preacher,theme of island drums keeping beat as god's word keeps the beat for us
*mariners ch,kyle zimmerman preaching (same young man as 1st time); now kenton beshore comes on (the sr pastor),message re body of Christ
*holy nm of Jesus,...re pope francis calling 4 the church 2b mor merciful; he also likes dave ramsey re money
*calv chapel,asian guy ,anecdote re using roadkill instead of his best animal as temple sacrifice..he thinks its an example of not giving all to God, but this is not true..b/c Jesus abolished all the animal sacrifices
*olqa re pope francis re atheists can be saved
*re "wisdom is vindicated by all her children" ie listen to god
*re "plank eye", olqa
*lady of assumpt,clrmnt "to love enemies,need to nurture love of god"
* olqa,klunk,"we r the body of christ..we suffer for the whole body".
*jbap,memorial st peter claiborne...missionary to the slaves...called himseld "slave of the slaves forever"
*law mart, "must hate mother father"..as Jesus "hated" self ..ie had to deny self (be crucified) to give life…
*riviera umc, "things keep changing"
Note: I've picked up on a significant deficiency in understanding of "Jesus Christ" in the church,in general..primarily that the church tends to preach about the "historical Jesus" more than the current "Body of Christ"..more about "He" than "we", and more about "when He returns" than "when we return", because when ;He returns it will be,in fact, "when we return" at least in terms of those who have already died & gone to heaven & then those who are still alive & are believers...will merge with the heavenly body of Christ into one complete body...but right now WE on earth who believe are the earthly body of Christ and have,or should hav the power of Christ..if we r truly united & believing
8a st james,"cast your net on the other side", peter had humility & did so..we miss out bc we limit what god can do..go deeper in spiritual life,god's ways not your ways..jesus reminds peter..re purpose on earth..by virtue of baptism...to disciple others..ever opp & conv. Invite people back to church, ..meaning for us to go ouit & invite others..
*sjf re gratitude
*st james, "in time of israel thy believed all bad things were due to demons..compared to today...modern world doesn't even believe demons exist...yet hatred,anxiety,hopelessness,,,comes from the evil one..the enemy wants us to dwell on it..when give in to hopelessness & doubt..allows enemy 2b in control...Jesus many times "I have come to bring joy..peace.."(hmm what about "not peace but a sword"..) even the devil believes in god..what we need is to...on a daily basis cast out these negatives...once u learn to play like that...then god &b the angels will..
*st matthew,l beach "humble self,be raised up"mcnulty? Guest priest,re brother a retired doc, hip surgery,complications,,humbled him
*re 10 virgins,..we wamt to blv that god is like a loving 2nd grade teacher..5 brought oil..5 others excuses...
*st. Marg mary,priest arrived @ 815am,..did they change mass time? Re jbap precursor to Jesus,
*sjf, re memories, ,word should dwell within us..re actor who memorized the book of mark
*cc630a,latino priest:danger of making institutions more imp than the people, ..he's praying for pope francis to make a big diff in this regard
*pastor galand sareno & daughters,tiki festival
*some don't want a ministry, they want a platform
*don't just study the steps of god,study the stops
*jm,"when we cater to the flesh there will be a bill"
*re being "saved" but not in the spirit,being carnal, ..she used to gossip re her pastor
*offering,100% for poor in africa
*Mike baptizes us in the holy spirit @ joyce meyer conf
*fr zak @ incarn after BIAM
*lady mt carmel,near safari park: import of "queen-mother"
*borromeo ch: parable of the workers,...motive behind the work as imp as the work itself...Jesus calls us to join Him in His work for the sake of company,to build relationships..what motivates our contrib. To the kingdom?
*st pat
*st mary mag,sd,"to what things do I cling..that prevents me from..."
*rock church,jokes that even the Bible can be used for pickup line "yesterday I was reading the book of #"s, realized I didn't have yours"; "whatever u recognize,u b/c thankful 4"
(dr. Dave martin, lots of jokes,tongue-in-cheek),..I gave $100 to sb @ taco bell..me a big bald angel, giving back,
*Mary star, la jolla , live a good life,not a lie,be enthusiastic,...
*st joseph cath,"have confidence in god to do the right thing,..spiritual maturity,,,truly believe god loves us unconditionally..see & hear with the eyes of Christ
*we don't become happy by trying to be happy;mary is not a goddess but an example of human perfection(?)
*st marg mary (lomita) 630a re assumption of mary, mentions oscar de la hoya paying tribute to his mother at olympic boxing match
*sjf 5p korean priest (arrived late), then I went to malaga concert
*sjf 8a african priest,we r 2b a "community of love", try to reconcile,..
*Sjf 8a guest priest (irish?) Re how precious we all r to god
*mariners ch: "for the joy ...he endured the cross..."heb 12.2
Jbap 8a "....re grain of wheat must die...esp relevant re st. Lawrence...patron of the poor et al, lawrence's generosity, .."if u had $2000 would u give me half ? Yes, 2 shirts ? No, bc I've got 2 shrts..lawrence would have given the shirt off his back..(Lord, help me to be more generous in spirit, less judgmental, quick to smile & laugh & show graciousness, ) .homily cont: ..re generosity ...lawrence was burned at the stake...even so he jested "turn me over, this side is done"...he was a grain of wheat that died
*jbap,moses & israel in wilderness,..compare to marriage journey
*jbap: faith makes impossible see, possible
*transfig re prayer, confrontation,communication..clarity, leads to joy peace radians, .....why don't we exp this ? Lack silence,solitude & submission
*st finbar, feast of transfigurtion, our future,gods plan for each of us,...this happens right bf he enters jerusalem,..mt tabor, "u r my beloved son..." in our journey of faith,smtms the cross gets heavy..tempt to despair..
*good shep, "do we pray more 4 what we lack or thanking god 4 what we have"? ..change our approach to prayer,,,each time we ask god 4 something, could also thank Him 4 what we have..[ why not just twilaBd?]
*st timothy, rise above our emotions to help others even in time of difficulty as did Jesus feed the masses
?Luke 12.13-21 "christ all in all"?
[*personal thought re the damage done by those who demand "tolerance" for things unholy, incomplete,less×than-perfect]
*st peters by sea, "where were u yest @ 3pm" (chuck hunt), nate feldmeth message ("nis dominus frusta"(futility wo god) (I remember him from fuller sem, he taught church history)
*wayfarers re "storing up treasure
*Rolling hills covt, how do we share god? Spain Train wreck ,"distracted"
*new sjf priest from uganda (adjacent to kenya to the west)
Jbap630a (af am priest) "we ask that we can share same delight...in sacrament, imp. Prayer take pleasure delight joy in gift god has given us..sacrifice of mass greatest gift..receive it in context of meal celebr...aquinas says it is impossib to live wo delight..if we lose joy of soul as motiv factor, we lose desire to live,..god wants our love & delight to be in things that never fail, that are eternal, relish gifts god gives from on high, ...
*jbap630a: cloud led moses,,,constant reminder of god's presence..he would protect & defend & lov them..same in new covt...we have the true tabernacle,Jesus Christ, we r 2b mindful of god's presence among us, & share this good news..choices 2 make, that allows us to be "in god's grace" or not, ..at the end there will be a separation of the two, ...lord asks us .."do we understnd?" What it means 2b truly wise. Church celeb st alphonso liguori,..lawyer bf priest, esp known for moral theology , discernment of right/wrong,..
*st raymond,surrender to god's word
*jbap530p re picking grain on sabbath "pharisees dead wrong bc they judged wo mercy
*jbap630a re the sabbath,apostles bc priests & bishops @ last supper,paschal meal,comm exodus fr egypt,.as priests can work on sabbath,not violate it.pharisees were dead wrong,deadly conseq.,execute innocent man,Jesus,..how could be so wrong in judgment..smtms conseq so dire, lord urges us to avoid mistake in judgment..not rush to jdgmnt, try to be merciful,generous..take lesson to heart,practicr daily..when smthng not right,not pleased w ..make jdgmnt w mercy, benefit of doubt..wary of erroneous jdgment
*omgc, "last 2 years I was in afghanistan..also bless sac in hw, bf in nepal, ..(new priest? Ireneo paredes?)..didn't want to go to afghan but did
*monstry angels,"Become inward signs of the bright white upward signs,...making god more fully known more loved
*ho tri,re scapulas,miracles happen w faith,fr peacha
*re feast of st benedict,contemplative life also a testimony
*St jbap,[mm,bow-legged vietnamese lady]God turning the thinking of the hebrews upside down..god has given us many ironic teachings..new test too, ..esp allowing Jesus to be born as a helpless infant..who would teach us to love enemies,..first to be last..many more..most aston. This god died so we may live..infinite power & influence...for those who admit we have no power at all..we r earthen vessels, ..dust of earth..treasure enclosed..frail mortality..irony, eternal life itself held ...those who regard own lives as nothing, spend all attention to spreading life..martyrs..who we celebr ..they were captured by calvinists of netherlands..they bravely defended the eucharist..17(?)..died by hanging at hands of calvinists? [Double-check] ..victory god gives to martyrs is heaven itself..17 new souls that day..[apparently true,see http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_of_Gorkum ]
*olqa pm,fr kerry "lord calms the storms"
*olqa guest pastor(?) ...in a few days..celebrate 4th of july..red w blue..celebrate happiness..a task to be happy..alternatively..worry & fear..today in the reading "seismos"..the apostles were shaken to the core..called to happiness, but could be taken away so quickly..undrstand presence of god in our lives..most common expression by Jesus is "be not afraid" (really?)
*final cc service,..bobby comparing cc to israelites following the pillar of fire..to be "on the move" and not "in a rut"..we go where Jesus goes.."robert coen schuller"? That's their baby?.."too many roberts"..started to pray w Jesus walking in front of me..like to walk when I pray "at the ranch"..."...spiritual fruits,not religious nuts"..tired of "lasts",ready for some 1sts"
*olqa,vietnamese priest re not cutting people off on freeway (cheap homily)
*old-time priest from monastery (victor lopez) filling in at vibiana: homily re moderation when taking care of pets, mentioned cardinal manning many years ago (there's a big lapd deal outside at the moment;chase)
*holy wave, kuni onishi,...re salt of the earth, Jesus calls us to impact the earth, and calls us to be seen,..salt was important to the people back then,as a preservative and even as fertilizer,..Jesus adds "city on hill"..who would build a city on a hill? Some have houses up high,want to show off..but in fact Jesus wants us to display our perfection as Christians..we're going to talk about spiritual warfare,..ever notice..try to do good things, always have 2nd thoughts..at a chevron,,,saw man coming..I knew he was homeless..thought maybe I should give $,pray w him,talk,..I have an ungodly uncle..all others are missionaries,pastors,seminary students..when we have a holiday..his language attitude..not holy,making me uncomfortabl..see him only at family occasions, but god always brings him to me in prayer,..don't want to go to him...don't want to go deep w him..don't judge me..some of u also w mothr in law etc...he is crying out 4 help..in his terms,bad language..all of our family..we're all priests..don't go deep w him..keep telling him what not to do..he tells us we're hypocrites..hang out only w holy people..but you're supposed to go out & save people like me..but I didn't know how to be love 2 him..
*/.."resurrection that gives ...hope..[he reminisced on a year ago..says the music was "terrible"..but this is not to be self-serving] ..death & ressurection..the whole theme of the new test..kill 1 martyr & 1000 others will spring up,..[his repetition of "me","my", et al..hmm]always requires faith..when in the midst of persecution hardship hard to trust the paschal mystery[pm]...the pm deals w death in a way the world doesn't ..fulton sheen says "can't have easter w/o good Friday"...I've lost 3 cats to coyotes..winter bf spring..eat bread..comes from grain..I have a seed in my pocket,,nobody knows the seed unless it dies in the ground..it will remain only a seed..if it dies it becomes many seeds...wiseman..anybody can count the seeds in an apple but only god can count the apples in a seed..but the seed must dies..requisite of life,real life,loss,,change in relationships,jobs,,I wrote in my journal...how do we respond to these deaths..either rescuscitation or resurrection..lazarus was rescuscitated..lazarus died again..but Jesus was ressurected..when we face loss sometimes we try to grip on & pretend it is still there..that's not what we r supposed to do, but we r to mourn & weep, not pretend..and remember something greater is coming, as believers we r to embrace death..example,,romans 6...we r to die to sin to come alive..there is a mourning as we change, as become better, remember testimony girl become christian..she had to give up marijuana..she remembered sitting around w friends..how they came together..but she now experienced a healthier way 2 commune w friends...any change u make in life..there is a season..sense of power, have 2 let go of that..sadness w lose of sense of power, but then u realize it is better this way..to become adult..have to die to being a kid..40 days to mourn..that's the rule..now I go to rancho cap every friday..that's where I grew up..saw it fall apart...but we r to be the salt..hav u ever had salt w no taste..thats like us not being fully who we r,..Jesus says we can impact the world..I created u,..u r very unique..why doubt yourself,need 2 hear from the lord,..and those w troubles..they r more than their addiction..we r to live out who we r created 4,..whatever he says, we cannot argue,..he knows who we r,..
*6/23/13 BOBBY SCHULLER, CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL preaching re the "paschal mystery" at the 2nd2LastService (ie penultimate),...next week is the last service @ crystal cathedral...bobby is the grandson of the founder of the crystal cathedral,..they are moving to a smaller church down the street and the catholic church is moving in to the crystal cathedral (at which point it will be called the "Christ Cathedral"..
*crystal cathedral, .."offices r empty..grandpa's office..needed quieter place..3rd floor..where my office is..empty..sitting on a box..no chair..finishing touches on sermon about loss.,..feel it around nme..bits of paper on the ground..pens,plants,lamp...see the loss of what were going thru as an organizaation..but where were going..nicer office..end of worshipping in beautiful bldg...loss is never the end..on other side resurrection..
*omgc, how to bc better at something..practice, golf driving range example,,likewise the judaizers..kept doing what they didn't have to do anymore..new law,..work on these new laws, ..love god w all heart mind body soul, neighbor as self, love is relational, ..love god differently than love pizza
*at holy trinity, fr peacha re catholic doctrine,listening to kkla,people posting tracts wo permission
*st jbap, the problem of the western world living for this world only...re "when u pray go into your room..", ...modern world subordinates spirituality
*good shep BH, re woman who bathes Jesus' feet in her tears..Q: "great love" because her sins r forgiven, or sins forgiven b/c of her great love? Parallel with the parable of the debtor..the one who has larger debt forgiven loves the creditor more...thus forgiveness happens 1st, Love is the response. My thought: that this makes another point for the case of trying to convince others they are sinners...those who think they r sinless have less love, or feel less love.
*spc"Forgiven but must also make expiation 4 sins..."
*st. Irenaeus,"always sb who feels they don't belong at church amongst "holy",...they feel sinful; that's exactly who should be here..who should feel welcome
*st bernard, if a clay pot falls it shatters, cannot be glued back together..also clay comesfrom earth..our dependence on earth..but when we die our bodies also decay, but we still live on as souls; also a pot doesn't become arrogant if it is more beautiful than others..but the glory goes to the creator
*st raymond, the word "hate" is so ugly..also "f word", really an ugly word,be careful about what we say, ...also today re '"lust"..(for money,power,sex)...Jesus was like us in all things except sin, ; need to have the HEART of Jesus
*st corn,guest priest,re "7 wonders of the world"panama canal,empire st bldg,grand canyon,taj mahal,rome st peter bsilica,great wall";;
*spc,hard2understand: Jesus defends dignity of women ...et al..we must cut off sin,moral use of technology? [How did he make the connection?]